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pbronka edited this page Oct 23, 2023 · 6 revisions

SimPathsStart Class

The SimPathsStart class is the entry point for running the SimPaths microsimulation model. It provides essential functionalities for initializing the simulation environment and offers methods for configuring simulation parameters, database setup, and user interactions.


This class handles the following primary functionalities:

  1. Displaying a GUI: Users can define startup processes, such as selecting policies, modifying policies, or rebuilding the database, using the dialog box presented by this class.

  2. Selecting simulation country and start year: The class adjusts country and start year based on user's choice.

  3. Starting the Simulation Engine: It initializes the JAS-mine simulation engine, optionally creating and displaying a graphical user interface for the simulation.

  4. Selecting and Starting an Experiment: The buildExperiment method configures various components of the SimPaths model, including the model itself, a collector, and an observer.

  5. Creating Database Tables: The createDatabaseTables method facilitates the creation of initial and donor population database tables based on user choices.

Methods and Functionality

main Method

The main method serves as the entry point for running the SimPaths microsimulation model. It initializes simulation parameters, displays a GUI, and starts the JAS-mine simulation engine.

buildExperiment Method

This method is called by the JAS-mine simulation engine to configure the components of the SimPaths model, including the model itself, a collector, and an observer.

runGUIdialog Method

The runGUIdialog method allows users to define startup processes for the simulation through a dialog box. Options include running the GUI, selecting policies, modifying policies, and rebuilding the database.

createDatabaseTables Method

This method is responsible for creating database tables required for the simulation. Users can choose to create initial population tables, donor population tables, or both, thus setting up the necessary database environment.

chooseCountryAndStartYear Method

This method displays a GUI for selecting the country and starting year for the simulation. Users make choices via combo-boxes, and the selected values set the simulation's country and starting year. Additionally, the method saves these choices to an Excel file for future use.

constructAggregatePopulationCSVfile(Country country) Method

This method constructs a CSV file by aggregating data from multiple UKMOD/EUROMOD output text files for a specific country. It extracts relevant columns and creates a CSV file that serves as input data for the creation of donor database tables.

createInitialDatabaseTablesFromCSVfile(Country country) Method

This method builds initial population database tables from initial population CSV files. These tables represent the initial population for a specific country and starting year and are foundational for running simulations in the JAS-mine model.

populateDonorTaxUnitTables(Country country) Method

This method populates donor tax unit tables with data from UKMOD/EUROMOD. It gathers information on gross and net income, demographic characteristics and benefits and stores it in the database. The method calculates various attributes related to tax units and adds them to the database tables.


The SimPathsStart class is used for configuring and initiating the SimPaths microsimulation model. It allows users to define the simulation environment, select policies, and set up the necessary database for the simulation.

For detailed information on the SimPaths microsimulation model's implementation, please refer to the class, which contains the core code of the model.