Trivial WebSockets, built on top of Hunchensocket for the server and websocket-driver for the client.
Here's a simple echo server:
(defvar *server*
:on-connect #'(lambda (server)
(format t "Connected~%"))
:on-disconnect #'(lambda (server)
(format t "Disconnected~%"))
:on-message #'(lambda (server message)
(format t "Received: ~A~%" message)
(trivial-ws:send (first (trivial-ws:clients server))
Then start it:
(defvar *handler* (trivial-ws:start *server* 4040))
Then go to and change the server to
and try it out.
You can stop it with (trivial-ws:stop *handler*)
Inside the callbacks you can use two functions: (trivial-ws:clients server)
will return the list of connected clients, and (trivial-ws:send client "string")
will send a message to a selected client.
Copyright (c) 2016 Fernando Borretti
Licensed under the MIT License.