- Install node.js (version > 18.17) - https://nodejs.org/en/
- Install npm (version > 8.5.4) - https://www.npmjs.com/ (npm install -g npm)
- React - https://reactjs.org/ - First time React users, install React using create-react-app from a node.js command prompt, a tool that installs all of the dependencies to build and run a full React.js application.
- .NET Core 6.0.x, Visual Studio 2022 or equivalent
- DB - Install PostgreSQL - Install PostgreSql, including pgAdmin (https://www.enterprisedb.com/downloads/postgres-postgresql-downloads) - See below for more details on setting up DB for this project.
- \api - This contains a .NET web API back end for profile designer. Within this solution, the OPC translations will occur, database connections will occur, etc.
- \frontend - This contains the REACT front end for profile designer.
- \SampleNodeSets - This contains nodesets that we use to import into system. Any OPC UA compliant nodeset is permitted. These are stored just for convenience while developing within the system.
- \sql - This contains the SQL script used to generate the DB structure and insert required lookup data as well as some sample users.
- Clone the repo from GIT.
Build/Run the front end:
- cd \frontend
- npm install
- npm run start
- Verify the site is running in a browser: http://localhost:3000
Note: The ENV files in the root React folder point to the base URL for the web API. Login: The login process was intentionally simple. Use cesmii/cesmii to login.
Build/Run the back end API (.NET 6 Solution):
Standard .NET build and run.
PostgreSql DB
See above for initial install instructions. - Run pgAdmin - Create local DB (see AppSettings.json for database name.) - Open the Query Tool (Tools menu) - Open the CESMII-Profile-Designer\sql\CESMII.ProfileDesigner.DB.sql file - Create the cesmii role/login and the database (comment out everything except the create role and create database sections and run the script) - Open a query tool on the newly created database and run the rest of the script - Change the password on the cesmii login to match the one in the appsettings.development.json file.