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fix: incorrect path when using forceConsistentTypeExtension
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segunadebayo committed Nov 15, 2023
1 parent a30f660 commit 78b940b
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .changeset/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
'@pandacss/generator': patch

Fix issue with `forceConsistentTypeExtension` where the `composition.d.mts` had an incorrect type import
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"content": "import type { CompositionStyleObject } from './system-types'\nimport type { Token } from '../tokens'\n\ninterface Recursive<T> {\n [key: string]: Recursive<T> | T\n}\n\n/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Text styles\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\ntype TextStyleProperty =\n | 'fontSize'\n | 'fontSizeAdjust'\n | 'fontVariationSettings'\n | 'fontVariantPosition'\n | 'fontVariantCaps'\n | 'fontVariantNumeric'\n | 'fontVariantAlternates'\n | 'fontVariantLigatures'\n | 'fontFamily'\n | 'fontWeight'\n | 'fontSynthesis'\n | 'fontStyle'\n | 'fontVariant'\n | 'lineHeight'\n | 'letterSpacing'\n | 'textDecoration'\n | 'textTransform'\n | 'textIndent'\n | 'textDecorationColor'\n | 'textDecorationLine'\n | 'textDecorationStyle'\n | 'textEmphasisColor'\n | 'textEmphasisPosition'\n | 'textEmphasisStyle'\n | 'hyphenateCharacter'\n | 'textOrientation'\n | 'textOverflow'\n | 'textRendering'\n\nexport type TextStyle = CompositionStyleObject<TextStyleProperty>\n\nexport type TextStyles = Recursive<Token<TextStyle>>\n\n/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Layer styles\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\ntype Placement =\n | 'Top'\n | 'Right'\n | 'Bottom'\n | 'Left'\n | 'Inline'\n | 'Block'\n | 'InlineStart'\n | 'InlineEnd'\n | 'BlockStart'\n | 'BlockEnd'\n\ntype Radius =\n | `Top${'Right' | 'Left'}`\n | `Bottom${'Right' | 'Left'}`\n | `Start${'Start' | 'End'}`\n | `End${'Start' | 'End'}`\n\ntype LayerStyleProperty =\n | 'background'\n | 'backgroundColor'\n | 'backgroundImage'\n | 'borderRadius'\n | 'border'\n | 'borderWidth'\n | 'borderColor'\n | 'borderStyle'\n | 'boxShadow'\n | 'filter'\n | 'backdropFilter'\n | 'transform'\n | 'color'\n | 'opacity'\n | 'backgroundBlendMode'\n | 'backgroundAttachment'\n | 'backgroundClip'\n | 'backgroundOrigin'\n | 'backgroundPosition'\n | 'backgroundRepeat'\n | 'backgroundSize'\n | `border${Placement}`\n | `border${Placement}Width`\n | 'borderRadius'\n | `border${Radius}Radius`\n | `border${Placement}Color`\n | `border${Placement}Style`\n | 'padding'\n | `padding${Placement}`\n\nexport type LayerStyle = CompositionStyleObject<LayerStyleProperty>\n\nexport type LayerStyles = Recursive<Token<LayerStyle>>\n\nexport interface CompositionStyles {\n textStyles: TextStyles\n layerStyles: LayerStyles\n}\n"
"content": "import type { CompositionStyleObject } from './system-types'\n\ninterface Token<T> {\n value: T\n description?: string\n}\n\ninterface Recursive<T> {\n [key: string]: Recursive<T> | T\n}\n\n/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Text styles\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\ntype TextStyleProperty =\n | 'fontSize'\n | 'fontSizeAdjust'\n | 'fontVariationSettings'\n | 'fontVariantPosition'\n | 'fontVariantCaps'\n | 'fontVariantNumeric'\n | 'fontVariantAlternates'\n | 'fontVariantLigatures'\n | 'fontFamily'\n | 'fontWeight'\n | 'fontSynthesis'\n | 'fontStyle'\n | 'fontVariant'\n | 'lineHeight'\n | 'letterSpacing'\n | 'textDecoration'\n | 'textTransform'\n | 'textIndent'\n | 'textDecorationColor'\n | 'textDecorationLine'\n | 'textDecorationStyle'\n | 'textEmphasisColor'\n | 'textEmphasisPosition'\n | 'textEmphasisStyle'\n | 'hyphenateCharacter'\n | 'textOrientation'\n | 'textOverflow'\n | 'textRendering'\n\nexport type TextStyle = CompositionStyleObject<TextStyleProperty>\n\nexport type TextStyles = Recursive<Token<TextStyle>>\n\n/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Layer styles\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\ntype Placement =\n | 'Top'\n | 'Right'\n | 'Bottom'\n | 'Left'\n | 'Inline'\n | 'Block'\n | 'InlineStart'\n | 'InlineEnd'\n | 'BlockStart'\n | 'BlockEnd'\n\ntype Radius =\n | `Top${'Right' | 'Left'}`\n | `Bottom${'Right' | 'Left'}`\n | `Start${'Start' | 'End'}`\n | `End${'Start' | 'End'}`\n\ntype LayerStyleProperty =\n | 'background'\n | 'backgroundColor'\n | 'backgroundImage'\n | 'borderRadius'\n | 'border'\n | 'borderWidth'\n | 'borderColor'\n | 'borderStyle'\n | 'boxShadow'\n | 'filter'\n | 'backdropFilter'\n | 'transform'\n | 'color'\n | 'opacity'\n | 'backgroundBlendMode'\n | 'backgroundAttachment'\n | 'backgroundClip'\n | 'backgroundOrigin'\n | 'backgroundPosition'\n | 'backgroundRepeat'\n | 'backgroundSize'\n | `border${Placement}`\n | `border${Placement}Width`\n | 'borderRadius'\n | `border${Radius}Radius`\n | `border${Placement}Color`\n | `border${Placement}Style`\n | 'padding'\n | `padding${Placement}`\n\nexport type LayerStyle = CompositionStyleObject<LayerStyleProperty>\n\nexport type LayerStyles = Recursive<Token<LayerStyle>>\n\nexport interface CompositionStyles {\n textStyles: TextStyles\n layerStyles: LayerStyles\n}\n"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
"content": "import type { SystemStyleObject, DistributiveOmit } from './system-types'\n\ntype Pretty<T> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] } & {}\n\ntype StringToBoolean<T> = T extends 'true' | 'false' ? boolean : T\n\nexport type RecipeVariantRecord = Record<any, Record<any, SystemStyleObject>>\n\nexport type RecipeSelection<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> = keyof any extends keyof T\n ? {}\n : {\n [K in keyof T]?: StringToBoolean<keyof T[K]>\n }\n\nexport type RecipeVariantFn<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> = (props?: RecipeSelection<T>) => string\n\nexport type RecipeVariantProps<\n T extends RecipeVariantFn<RecipeVariantRecord> | SlotRecipeVariantFn<string, SlotRecipeVariantRecord<string>>,\n> = Pretty<Parameters<T>[0]>\n\ntype RecipeVariantMap<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> = {\n [K in keyof T]: Array<keyof T[K]>\n}\n\n/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Recipe / Standard\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nexport interface RecipeRuntimeFn<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> extends RecipeVariantFn<T> {\n __type: RecipeSelection<T>\n variantKeys: (keyof T)[]\n variantMap: RecipeVariantMap<T>\n raw: (props?: RecipeSelection<T>) => SystemStyleObject\n config: RecipeConfig<T>\n splitVariantProps<Props extends RecipeSelection<T>>(\n props: Props,\n ): [RecipeSelection<T>, Pretty<DistributiveOmit<Props, keyof T>>]\n}\n\ntype OneOrMore<T> = T | Array<T>\n\nexport type RecipeCompoundSelection<T> = {\n [K in keyof T]?: OneOrMore<StringToBoolean<keyof T[K]>>\n}\n\nexport type RecipeCompoundVariant<T> = T & {\n css: SystemStyleObject\n}\n\nexport interface RecipeDefinition<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> {\n /**\n * The base styles of the recipe.\n */\n base?: SystemStyleObject\n /**\n * The multi-variant styles of the recipe.\n */\n variants?: T\n /**\n * The default variants of the recipe.\n */\n defaultVariants?: RecipeSelection<T>\n /**\n * The styles to apply when a combination of variants is selected.\n */\n compoundVariants?: Pretty<RecipeCompoundVariant<RecipeCompoundSelection<T>>>[]\n}\n\nexport type RecipeCreatorFn = <T extends RecipeVariantRecord>(config: RecipeDefinition<T>) => RecipeRuntimeFn<T>\n\ninterface RecipeConfigMeta {\n /**\n * The name of the recipe.\n */\n className: string\n /**\n * The description of the recipe. This will be used in the JSDoc comment.\n */\n description?: string\n /**\n * The jsx elements to track for this recipe. Can be string or Regexp.\n *\n * @default capitalize(\n * @example ['Button', 'Link', /Button$/]\n */\n jsx?: Array<string | RegExp>\n}\n\nexport interface RecipeConfig<T extends RecipeVariantRecord = RecipeVariantRecord>\n extends RecipeDefinition<T>,\n RecipeConfigMeta {}\n\n/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Recipe / Slot\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\ntype SlotRecord<S extends string, T> = Partial<Record<S, T>>\n\nexport type SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S extends string> = Record<any, Record<any, SlotRecord<S, SystemStyleObject>>>\n\nexport type SlotRecipeVariantFn<S extends string, T extends RecipeVariantRecord> = (\n props?: RecipeSelection<T>,\n) => SlotRecord<S, string>\n\nexport interface SlotRecipeRuntimeFn<S extends string, T extends SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S>>\n extends SlotRecipeVariantFn<S, T> {\n raw: (props?: RecipeSelection<T>) => Record<S, SystemStyleObject>\n variantKeys: (keyof T)[]\n variantMap: RecipeVariantMap<T>\n splitVariantProps<Props extends RecipeSelection<T>>(props: Props): [RecipeSelection<T>, Pretty<Omit<Props, keyof T>>]\n}\n\nexport type SlotRecipeCompoundVariant<S extends string, T> = T & {\n css: SlotRecord<S, SystemStyleObject>\n}\n\nexport interface SlotRecipeDefinition<S extends string, T extends SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S>> {\n /**\n * The parts/slots of the recipe.\n */\n slots: S[] | Readonly<S[]>\n /**\n * The base styles of the recipe.\n */\n base?: SlotRecord<S, SystemStyleObject>\n /**\n * The multi-variant styles of the recipe.\n */\n variants?: T\n /**\n * The default variants of the recipe.\n */\n defaultVariants?: RecipeSelection<T>\n /**\n * The styles to apply when a combination of variants is selected.\n */\n compoundVariants?: Pretty<SlotRecipeCompoundVariant<S, RecipeCompoundSelection<T>>>[]\n}\n\nexport type SlotRecipeCreatorFn = <S extends string, T extends SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S>>(\n config: SlotRecipeDefinition<S, T>,\n) => SlotRecipeRuntimeFn<S, T>\n\nexport type SlotRecipeConfig<\n S extends string = string,\n T extends SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S> = SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S>,\n> = SlotRecipeDefinition<S, T> & RecipeConfigMeta\n"
"content": "import type { SystemStyleObject, DistributiveOmit, Pretty } from './system-types'\n\ntype StringToBoolean<T> = T extends 'true' | 'false' ? boolean : T\n\nexport type RecipeVariantRecord = Record<any, Record<any, SystemStyleObject>>\n\nexport type RecipeSelection<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> = keyof any extends keyof T\n ? {}\n : {\n [K in keyof T]?: StringToBoolean<keyof T[K]>\n }\n\nexport type RecipeVariantFn<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> = (props?: RecipeSelection<T>) => string\n\nexport type RecipeVariantProps<\n T extends RecipeVariantFn<RecipeVariantRecord> | SlotRecipeVariantFn<string, SlotRecipeVariantRecord<string>>,\n> = Pretty<Parameters<T>[0]>\n\ntype RecipeVariantMap<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> = {\n [K in keyof T]: Array<keyof T[K]>\n}\n\n/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Recipe / Standard\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\nexport interface RecipeRuntimeFn<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> extends RecipeVariantFn<T> {\n __type: RecipeSelection<T>\n variantKeys: (keyof T)[]\n variantMap: RecipeVariantMap<T>\n raw: (props?: RecipeSelection<T>) => SystemStyleObject\n config: RecipeConfig<T>\n splitVariantProps<Props extends RecipeSelection<T>>(\n props: Props,\n ): [RecipeSelection<T>, Pretty<DistributiveOmit<Props, keyof T>>]\n}\n\ntype OneOrMore<T> = T | Array<T>\n\nexport type RecipeCompoundSelection<T> = {\n [K in keyof T]?: OneOrMore<StringToBoolean<keyof T[K]>>\n}\n\nexport type RecipeCompoundVariant<T> = T & {\n css: SystemStyleObject\n}\n\nexport interface RecipeDefinition<T extends RecipeVariantRecord> {\n /**\n * The base styles of the recipe.\n */\n base?: SystemStyleObject\n /**\n * The multi-variant styles of the recipe.\n */\n variants?: T\n /**\n * The default variants of the recipe.\n */\n defaultVariants?: RecipeSelection<T>\n /**\n * The styles to apply when a combination of variants is selected.\n */\n compoundVariants?: Pretty<RecipeCompoundVariant<RecipeCompoundSelection<T>>>[]\n}\n\nexport type RecipeCreatorFn = <T extends RecipeVariantRecord>(config: RecipeDefinition<T>) => RecipeRuntimeFn<T>\n\ninterface RecipeConfigMeta {\n /**\n * The name of the recipe.\n */\n className: string\n /**\n * The description of the recipe. This will be used in the JSDoc comment.\n */\n description?: string\n /**\n * The jsx elements to track for this recipe. Can be string or Regexp.\n *\n * @default capitalize(\n * @example ['Button', 'Link', /Button$/]\n */\n jsx?: Array<string | RegExp>\n}\n\nexport interface RecipeConfig<T extends RecipeVariantRecord = RecipeVariantRecord>\n extends RecipeDefinition<T>,\n RecipeConfigMeta {}\n\n/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Recipe / Slot\n * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\ntype SlotRecord<S extends string, T> = Partial<Record<S, T>>\n\nexport type SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S extends string> = Record<any, Record<any, SlotRecord<S, SystemStyleObject>>>\n\nexport type SlotRecipeVariantFn<S extends string, T extends RecipeVariantRecord> = (\n props?: RecipeSelection<T>,\n) => SlotRecord<S, string>\n\nexport interface SlotRecipeRuntimeFn<S extends string, T extends SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S>>\n extends SlotRecipeVariantFn<S, T> {\n raw: (props?: RecipeSelection<T>) => Record<S, SystemStyleObject>\n variantKeys: (keyof T)[]\n variantMap: RecipeVariantMap<T>\n splitVariantProps<Props extends RecipeSelection<T>>(props: Props): [RecipeSelection<T>, Pretty<Omit<Props, keyof T>>]\n}\n\nexport type SlotRecipeCompoundVariant<S extends string, T> = T & {\n css: SlotRecord<S, SystemStyleObject>\n}\n\nexport interface SlotRecipeDefinition<S extends string, T extends SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S>> {\n /**\n * The parts/slots of the recipe.\n */\n slots: S[] | Readonly<S[]>\n /**\n * The base styles of the recipe.\n */\n base?: SlotRecord<S, SystemStyleObject>\n /**\n * The multi-variant styles of the recipe.\n */\n variants?: T\n /**\n * The default variants of the recipe.\n */\n defaultVariants?: RecipeSelection<T>\n /**\n * The styles to apply when a combination of variants is selected.\n */\n compoundVariants?: Pretty<SlotRecipeCompoundVariant<S, RecipeCompoundSelection<T>>>[]\n}\n\nexport type SlotRecipeCreatorFn = <S extends string, T extends SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S>>(\n config: SlotRecipeDefinition<S, T>,\n) => SlotRecipeRuntimeFn<S, T>\n\nexport type SlotRecipeConfig<\n S extends string = string,\n T extends SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S> = SlotRecipeVariantRecord<S>,\n> = SlotRecipeDefinition<S, T> & RecipeConfigMeta\n"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/generator/src/artifacts/preact-jsx/types.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export interface JsxFactoryOptions<TProps extends Dict> {
export type JsxRecipeProps<T extends ElementType, P extends Dict> = JsxHTMLProps<ComponentProps<T>, P>
export type JsxElement<T extends ElementType, P> = T extends ${componentName}<infer A, infer B>
export type JsxElement<T extends ElementType, P extends Dict> = T extends ${componentName}<infer A, infer B>
? ${componentName}<A, Pretty<DistributiveUnion<P, B>>>
: ${componentName}<T, P>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/generator/src/artifacts/qwik-jsx/types.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export interface JsxFactoryOptions<TProps extends Dict> {
export type JsxRecipeProps<T extends ElementType, P extends Dict> = JsxHTMLProps<ComponentProps<T>, P>;
export type JsxElement<T extends ElementType, P> = T extends ${componentName}<infer A, infer B>
export type JsxElement<T extends ElementType, P extends Dict> = T extends ${componentName}<infer A, infer B>
? ${componentName}<A, Pretty<DistributiveUnion<P, B>>>
: ${componentName}<T, P>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/generator/src/artifacts/react-jsx/types.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ interface JsxFactoryOptions<TProps extends Dict> {
export type JsxRecipeProps<T extends ElementType, P extends Dict> = JsxHTMLProps<ComponentProps<T>, P>;
export type JsxElement<T extends ElementType, P> = T extends ${componentName}<infer A, infer B>
export type JsxElement<T extends ElementType, P extends Dict> = T extends ${componentName}<infer A, infer B>
? ${componentName}<A, Pretty<DistributiveUnion<P, B>>>
: ${componentName}<T, P>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/generator/src/artifacts/solid-jsx/types.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export interface JsxFactoryOptions<TProps extends Dict> {
export type JsxRecipeProps<T extends ElementType, P extends Dict> = JsxHTMLProps<ComponentProps<T>, P>;
export type JsxElement<T extends ElementType, P> = T extends ${componentName}<infer A, infer B>
export type JsxElement<T extends ElementType, P extends Dict> = T extends ${componentName}<infer A, infer B>
? ${componentName}<A, Pretty<DistributiveUnion<P, B>>>
: ${componentName}<T, P>
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/generator/src/engines/file.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export const getFileEngine = (config: UserConfig): PandaFileEngine => {
return `export * from '${this.ext(file)}';`
exportTypeStar(file: string) {
return `export * from '${this.__extDts(file)}';`
return `export type * from '${this.__extDts(file)}';`
isTypeFile(file: string) {
return file.endsWith('.d.ts') || file.endsWith('.d.mts')
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions packages/studio/styled-system/css/index.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* eslint-disable */
export * from './css';
export * from './cx';
export * from './cva';
export * from './sva';
export type * from './css';
export type * from './cx';
export type * from './cva';
export type * from './sva';
46 changes: 23 additions & 23 deletions packages/studio/styled-system/jsx/index.d.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
/* eslint-disable */
export * from './factory';
export type * from './factory';

export * from './is-valid-prop';
export type * from './is-valid-prop';

export * from './box';
export * from './flex';
export * from './stack';
export * from './vstack';
export * from './hstack';
export * from './spacer';
export * from './square';
export * from './circle';
export * from './center';
export * from './link-box';
export * from './link-overlay';
export * from './aspect-ratio';
export * from './grid';
export * from './grid-item';
export * from './wrap';
export * from './container';
export * from './divider';
export * from './float';
export * from './bleed';
export * from './visually-hidden';
export * from './styled-link';
export type * from './box';
export type * from './flex';
export type * from './stack';
export type * from './vstack';
export type * from './hstack';
export type * from './spacer';
export type * from './square';
export type * from './circle';
export type * from './center';
export type * from './link-box';
export type * from './link-overlay';
export type * from './aspect-ratio';
export type * from './grid';
export type * from './grid-item';
export type * from './wrap';
export type * from './container';
export type * from './divider';
export type * from './float';
export type * from './bleed';
export type * from './visually-hidden';
export type * from './styled-link';

export type { HTMLPandaProps, PandaComponent } from '../types/jsx';

1 comment on commit 78b940b

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@vercel vercel bot commented on 78b940b Nov 15, 2023

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