MineOps, the simplest way to provision and manage asic miners for multiple clients.
- nodejs
- mongo
- raspberry PI or better
- git
Prior to starting – please make sure the file dcs_root.json has been properly configured. see Appendix
- nodejs
- mongodb (run as a service. install tools as well)
- pm2 (*suggested)
Create database "mineops_local" open mongodb shell
create database
use mineops_local
close mongo shell
checkout source and install dependencies and required directories
npm i
mkdir tmp
import dataCenterSettings (Copy dcs_root.json and edit the properties or you will have to edit directly in mongo)
cd mineops/data
mongoimport -c dataCenterSettings -d mineops_local --file dcs_root.json
Go to mineops root and start using npm
cd ..
npm start
or run in the background with pm2
pm2 start npm --name "mineops" -- start
pm2 save
pm2 logs --out
- Open localhost:3000 in your browser.
- Click sign up link on the login page.
- Enter email, password and,...
- a comma delimited list of account names that will be used by this user on pools as well as be visible in the miner list pages when they login.
Once set, this needs to be edited directly in
nano ~/mineops/server/db.json
"User": {
"2": "{\"password\":\"$2a$10$rmYddZEvj3KZerAugYA/fu76UUMMzOBD8hibnCIxFPFHL5sr4QDV.\",\"validated\":true,\"group\":\"user\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\",\"accountName\":\"btcminer,ethminer,antminer\",\"id\":2}",
Important properties in the above snippet
- Set "validated" = true to activate the account
- Set "group" = "admin" to see all discovered miners
Discover miners
- login
- navigate to list drop down and select list
- click on the discover button (Can take a few minutes depending on the network size)
- Refresh the page to see the miners
- If the networkScanInterval is set then these machines are now being monitored
- Let us know if a machine is missing.
You can use the api to verify that a missing miner is accessible
Use this page to:
- Monitor consumption and hashrate
- Filter monitoring by account name or machine type
Use this page to:
- Upload miner properties. Usually to patch positions or add serial numbers
Use this page to perform bulk actions:
- Update pools
- Reboot
- Update firmware (Requires downloading files to another repo and then configuring)
- Remove from database
- Set deployment date
Use this page to:
- Provision miners
- locate miners
- change location of miner
Use this page to:
- see miner state
- sort using menu
- locate poorly performing machines
- navigate to machine directly or using reverse proxy server
- reboot machine
- see machine's logs
- Export miner properties and reupload them
- edit worker name (click)
Use this page to:
- Group machines of interest for bulk operations
- Typical filter strings
- ^recent (show miners that failed during scan)
- L3 expr(hashrate<400) (show l3s that are not performing well)
Use this page to:
- Group machines of interest for bulk operations
- Telegram https://t.me/mineops
Sample to add to mongo. Edit dhcp settings
Import properties
- setting networkScanInterval = 0 will disable scanning and associated auto features such as reboots etc...
- netmask must fit IP range
"minerIndex" : 356262,
"cabinetName" : "DH1.7",
"cabinetPosition" : 52,
"workerTypeNumber" : "07052",
"staticAssignment" : true,
"configureMode" : 1,
"accountName" : "mineops",
"enablePoolConfiguration" : true,
"enableDHCPServer" : false,
"enableSlack" : true,
"enableDiscoveryOnStartup" : false,
"networkScanInterval" : 300000,
"locationID" : "DBD",
"locationName" : "Deep Block Data, St-Just",
"noReplyEmail" : "[email protected]",
"active" : true,
"dhcpSettings" : {
"range" : [
"netmask" : "",
"router" : [
"broadcast" : "",
"server" : "192.168.7.x",
"dns" : [
"hostname" : "mineops",
"domainName" : "rdc.local",
"timeServer" : null,
"nameServer" : null,
"maxMessageSize" : 1500,
"leaseTime" : 86400,
"renewalTime" : 60,
"rebindingTime" : 120,
"scanThrottleCount" : 200
"enableProvisionOnDetect" : true,
"machinesPerShelf" : "6",
"minerNumberFormat" : "RRSSP",
"inactiveAlarmPercentage" : 3,
"email" : {
"from" : "Mineops support<[email protected]>",
"to" : "[email protected]"
"availableKilowatts" : 1200
smtpTransport={"service": "Gmail","auth": {"user": "[email protected]", "pass": "Pa55w0rd"}}
CONSOLE_METHODS_FILTER={"debug":{"key":"logType", "matchText":"_trace", "method":"log"}}
_NETWORK_DIAGNOSTIC={"type":"ping", "ipAddress":""}