An app built to aid students and general residents in search of a place to study.
To be uploaded (currently on paper)
- As student looking for study areas, I would like to not waste time going to a cafe that is already full.
- As a good person and a user of Coffee Hop, I want to be able update the fullness of a cafe in order to help out my fellow peers.
- As a general resident, I would like to view the fullness of a cafe and determine which cafe is the least busy
- Technologies used include HTML5/CSS3, Ruby 2.2.0, Rails, PostgreSQL 9.5.0.
- Project planning done with Trello.
Deployed to Heroku
Needs refactoring UX is not finished (needs additional navbar options) Progress bar does not update with respect to time
- Fullness determined by WiFi connections
- Image backgrounds to both universities and coffeeshops
- Additional user features
Contributions are welcome! Fork this repository, make your changes and submit any and all pull requests.