This project is a calculator of mathematical expressions, working with integers of an arbitrary length, wich means It can performs operations on numbers way bigger than the maximal values of an
or along
(which are respectively 2^16 and 2^32), including parenthesis and operating priorities.
After cloning the repository, you have nothing else to installed since it is in C and without external libraries !
Compilation using makefile:
Run the unit tests using the rule tests_run
: (criterion lib is required)
make tests_run
./calc -h
./calc base operators size_read
- base: all the digits of the base
- operators: the symbols for the parentheses and the 5 operators
- size_read: number of characters to be read
echo "3+6" | ./calc 0123456789 "()+-*/%"" 3
echo "----++-6(12)" | ./calc 0123456789 "()+-*/%" 10
echo "----++-6*12" | ./calc 0123456789 "()+-*/%" 11
echo "-(12-(4*32))" | ./calc 0123456789 "()+-*/%" 12
echo "-(12*(13+15/5*(6/(12+14%(30%5+(10*25)-46)+16)-20)/43)*20)*(-(12-98*42)*(16+63-50/3))" | ./calc 0123456789 "()+-*/%" 84