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This app is bootstrapped with Vite's react-ts template preset.

Tech stack used:


type Option = string | { label: string; value: string }
Name Type Required? Default value Description
description string No N/A Text to be displayed below the input component
disabled boolean No false If true, disables pointer-events from the component
filterOptions (query: string) => Option[] No N/A If provided, overrides default filtering function
id string No React.useId() Essential for ARIA props
label string No N/A Text to be displayed above the input component
loading boolean No false If true, displays loading state
multiple boolean No false If true, multiple options can be selected
onChange (values: string[]) => void No N/A Callback function on option selection or deselection
onInputChange (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void No N/A Callback function on input value change
options Option[] | null Yes N/A Array of options to be displayed and selected
placeholder string No N/A Helper text to be displayed within the input component
renderOption (option: Option, isSelected: boolean) => JSX.Element | null No N/A If provided, overrides default rendering function
values string[] No N/A Array of selected values (It is set as always an array type for both single and multiple selection modes for easier handling)



Clicking on the component (both input and label) will focus the input and open up the options list if there are available options.

Clicking anywhere outside the component will unfocus the input and close the options list.


Once the input is focused, the options list can be navigated via keyboard.

Key Action
ArrowUp Highlights the previous option
(loops to the last option if currently highlighting the first option)
ArrowDown Highlights the next option
(loops to the first option if currently highlighting the last option)
Home Highlights the first option
End Highlights the last option
Enter Selects the highlighted option
Tab or Escape Closes the options list

Clear button

The search icon will turn into a Clear button once there is text in the input or option selection.

Clicking on it resets the component by clearing all input and option selection.

Single / Multiple selection

In single selection mode, selecting an option will unfocus the input and close the options list.

In multiple selection mode, selecting an option will not unfocus the input and close the options list, so the user may continue their next selection.

Potential Improvements

  • Option to set limit for multiple selection
  • Option to disable certain options
  • Form validation