##Download dependencies and build
Download [Erlang/OTP] (https://www.erlang-solutions.com/resources/download.html)
, version R16B03 or above. Download [rebar] (https://github.com/rebar/rebar).
This project is not working with rebar2 or rebar3 right now, since the JSON
encoding/decoding library jiffy
seems not to compile C sources with those.
When dependencies are installed:
####make build
##Run application Have server up and running (maybe at ws://localhost:3000, configurable in ebin/space_application.app). ####make run
##Your AI code
The specific AI code that controls the space ships is located in
an AI module
. An example of such an AI module
is given in src/simple_space_ai.erl
. It has a function named
that receives all known information about the
current game state, and is expected to return actions for each
bot of your team.
##Configurable AI module
To enable quickly switching between AIs, there is an env variable
in ebin/space_application.app named current_ai
that refers to
an erlang module. Change this env variable to another AI module
to "route" calls there.
##Erlang learning resources
- [Learn you some Erlang] (http://learnyousomeerlang.com)
- http://www.erlang.org/course
- https://pragprog.com/book/jaerlang2/programming-erlang