A React-Native Application that shows a List of Mentor with different functionalities
tags: #react-native #ES6 #BABEL
Simple List at First | Sorted List By Name |
Search And Filter by Name | Change Language |
- Sort the List by Name
- Search and Filter by Name
- Change Language
- Adding new data at the end of the list
- Refresh the List
- /src
- assets: containts all the assets (Image, Icons...)
- Components: our Component which is the ListView Class and its Style Class
- config : we put our configuration on the folder "right now it is empty"
- locales: for changing the language using i18n
- Utils: if we have some Components that are used in different components
- /__tests __ : where we put our tests
- yarn install
- react-native link
- yarn ios or yarn android
Reach out to me at one of the following places!
- MIT license
- Copyright 2019 ©