Download all the required datasets from TCIA using the following command.
$ pip install git+
$ python3
This will store the datasets into DATA/LIDC-IDRI
This is a single threaded script. You better use TCIA downloder for the best speed in the links above.
This radiomics pipeline uses docker to run radiomics-tools and other external tools.
DICOM conversion (matlab)
- input - DATA/LIDC-IDRI (download from TCIA)
- output - DATA/nodule-lidc
>> cd matlab >> run main_image_to_nrrd.m
Radiomics feature extraction (python)
- input - DATA/LIDC-IDRI
- output - DATA/nodule-lidc, output/nodule-lidc, output/feature-list_nodule-lidc.csv, output/STAPLE_nodule-lidc.csv
$ python3
Note: $ python3
is also available to extract radiomics features without matlab, but it cannot generate full nodule information list.
- input - DATA/LUNGx
- output - DATA/nodule-lungx, output/nodule-lungx, output/feature_list_lungx.csv
$ python3
Mesh model generation from manual or semi-automatic segmentation (matlab)
- input - DATA/nodule-*
- output - DATA/nodule-*/objs
>> cd matlab >> run convert_for_sphere_param.m % for all LIDC data >> run convert_for_sphere_param_lungx.m % for LUNGx data
Spherical parameterization (matlab)
- input - DATA/nodule-*/objs
- output - DATA/nodule-*/spherical_objs
>> cd matlab >> run main_sphere_param.m % for all LIDC data >> run main_sphere_param_lungx.m % for LUNGx data
Spiculation feature extraction (matlab)
- input - DATA/nodule-*/spherical_objs*
- output - output/nodule-*/spiculation*, output/nodule-*/parameters
>> cd matlab >> run main_spiculation.m % for all LIDC data >> run main_spiculation_lungx.m % for LUNGx data
AutoML (python) It is possible to build and validate simple radiomics models using AutoML. In Jupyter, open automl.ipynb and run all cells. You may also use a python script to test it, as seen below.
- input - meatadata, output/feature-list_nodule-lidc.csv, output/feature-list_nodule-lungx.csv
- output - output/nodule-lidc/spherical_objs
$ python
- Wookjin Choi, Jung Hun Oh, Sadegh Riyahi, Chia-Ju Liu, Feng Jiang, Wengen Chen, Charles White, Andreas Rimner, James G. Mechalakos, Joseph O. Deasy, and Wei Lu, “Radiomics analysis of pulmonary nodules in low-dose CT for early detection of lung cancer”, Medical Physics, Vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 1537-1549, April 2018.
- Wookjin Choi, Saad Nadeem, Sadegh Riyahi, Joseph O. Deasy, Allen Tannenbaum, Wei Lu, “Reproducible and Interpretable Spiculation Quantification for Lung Cancer Screening.” Computer methods and programs in biomedicine. 200 (2021).