Calculate the reachability of glass containers in Potsdam/Germany using Graphhopper.
Disclaimer: This is a prototype, was hacked together over the course of two days and doesn't represent a fully fledged application. Bugs may occur! 🪲
docker-compose -f docker-compose_download.yml up planetiler styles yarn_install
This will do a couple of things:
- Download an OpenStreetMap extract of Brandenburg using Planetiler
- Use Planetiler to create vector tiles from said OSM extract
- Download vector tile styles and their required fonts
- Install node modules
docker-compose up
This will start the necessary services for the app:
- The routing engine to calculate isochrones (Note: Running this service for the first time will also create the routing graph from the OSM extract)
- Spin up a tileserver for rendering vector tiles
- Start a web server with endpoints to the services above
- Start the node application
Once every service is running, open http://localhost:9000 to view the app.