A practical introduction to Docker for data scientists, showing how to use and combine Jupyter and MSSQL Server in local isolated Docker containers.
The medium post here for the longer tutorial.
Install Docker. This is a straightforward download from the docs.
Open up the app and make sure there's a green light telling you it's running.
Follow the hello-world tutorial to double check the installation works properly.
We will be running two separate Docker containers:
An ubuntu xenial container to run python code in Jupyter notebooks
An MSSSQL Server linux container to host our database
Open a terminal in the root of the repo and run the following commands:
docker-compose build
Builds the images with docker-compose.yml acting as the configuration
docker-compose up -d
Spins up the containers
docker-compose exec app bash
Runs bash from inside the 'app' container
You will be inside the container's terminal now, run:
jupyter notebook --ip --no-browser --allow-root
Using the provided token, enter this into your browser
✅ The token provides a security measure to make sure hackers can't access your code and data!
🎮 Running the notebook will extract Ninja's current Fortnite stats and load them into a fortnite table in your MSSQL instance. View your output table in a database management app. I like to use DBeaver.
Open a terminal and navigate to /app, then run
docker build -t ds .
builds image with tag 'ds'
docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 ds
runs the ds image with notebook ports mapped