Releases: chrisonntag/mmetering-server
This release adds tests for the mmetering app and especially the summaries module and it's Overview class plus some rewrites of it's methods.
c8ce7e9 Add test for system mailing
bd9a972 Merge branch 'tests' into development
cc800bb (origin/tests, tests) Add test for contact email
6f80372 Rewrite get_total and get_data in DownloadOverview
b26e63f Complete tests for Overview class
7354e0b Clean up data
a9e3cb7 Add real data from a BHKW
4c71711 Add tests for mmetering.summaries Overview class
90d6eeb Handle IndexError in is_supply_over_threshold method in case theres no data
87a9896 Add freezegun for testing datetimes
4a59720 Remove unnecessary prints
a29b445 Check for valid day and months in datestring parser
f82d38a Add testing data for mmetering models and fix naming bug in mmetering.summaries
11ae263 Add doc-strings to mmetering.summaries classes and methods
- save kWh values in the database and show Wh on the live graph
- add boolean active fields to meter models
- add supply graph to the frontend
- add datepicker to the download site, where users can easily download an excel file with the meter readings for each flat
- send a mail to recipients specified in the config file on the first day of each month with the current meter readings (Import & Export)
- PEP8 compliance
- Add *.xlsx support
- Add activity model, showing current downloads, etc.
- Fix bugs
Makes the repository production-ready.
- Change MySQL connector to PyMySQL
- Split up the settings file into production and development, changeable from the my.cnf file
- Minor refactoring
- Minor frontend changes
- Add new user permissions (
) - Fix contact form
- Style the admin backend
- Setup documentation
- basic functionality for all requirements
- add meters and flats in the backend
- request data from all registered devices every 15 minutes
- see live load profile and additional data for all apartments on dashboard
- download
file containing all relevant data - provide "secure area" separated from dashboard
- robust software design