This ansible playbook allows you to provision a kubernetes cluster based on kubeadm.
Any recommedation or contribution is always welcomed.
- centos7 vm (so far, ubuntu support comming soon)
- vagrant (optional, if you don't have other vms)
- ansible
vagrant up
This will provision 2 worker vm and 1 master vm, check connection with the command below:
ansible <IP> -m command -a "uptime"
Before executing the main command, it is important to check the host file out, you notice that the host file contains the structure about your cluster and global variables like pod_cidr, cri_socket. Thus you must change those values if you're not using the default vagrant file
Once you define your host file the next is to run the next command
ansible-playbook 01-install-kubernetes.yaml -i inventory/hosts -e POD_CIDR=""