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Getting Started CefGlue Winapi

[email protected] edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 1 revision

Creating .NET CefGlue Applications (64-bit)

Note: Visual Studio 2017 is preferred. Recent older versions like 2015 should work too but not supported.

  1. Create .NET Console Application
  2. Ensure that the build platform target is x64.
  3. From project property, change "Console Application"" to "Windows Application" [Project -> Properties -> Application -> Output type: "Windows Application"].
  4. Add Chromely.CefGlue.Winapi from Nuget. (A warning may show, if this happens unload the project and reload.)
  • Chromely.CefGlue.Winapi has following dependencies and should be verified
    • Winapi from Nuget. (Ensure minimum of 4.0 version is installed that was released for .NET Standard.)
    • Chromely.Core from Nuget
  1. Add the following code snippet to the Main function in Program.cs.

Notes on Upgrade to CefGlue version 70 and CefSharp version 71 (Chromely v4) - Please see.

class Program
   static int Main(string[] args)
      string startUrl = "";

      var config = ChromelyConfiguration
                     .WithHostMode(WindowState.Normal, true)
                     .WithHostSize(1000, 600)

      using (var window = ChromelyWindow.Create(config))
         return window.Run(args);
- Creates Chromely window of size 1000 x 600 pixels.
- Sets the window title to "chromely"
- Sets start url to ""
- Centers the window 
  1. Build the project. From version 66 and above, building the project also downloads the required CEF binaries.

  2. From Chromely.CefGlue.Winapi version 66 and upward, CEF binaries download is not required anymore. Only valid for nuget packages.

    If CEF binaries files/folders download is required, please check - CefGlue Application Layout.

  3. Run the built exe file.

  4. If successful the following will be shown:

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