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…oks_*() functions (yihui#1889)
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cderv authored Aug 26, 2020
1 parent bd64f2e commit 1465255
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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Expand Up @@ -53,6 +53,15 @@ export(hook_pngquant)
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- Added `knitr::hooks_*()` functions to get a list of output hooks for a specific format. Previously, these hooks only exist inside the `knitr::render_*()` functions, and users do not have direct access to them. Now they can be accessed directly, e.g., via `knitr::hooks_markdown()` to get a list of output hooks for R Markdown documents. You can also set the output hooks individually, e.g., `knitr::knit_hooks$set(knitr::hooks_markdown()['source'])` only sets the _source_ ouput hook. See more on output hooks at and (thanks, @cderv, #1889).

- Added an argument `lib.loc` to `knitr::write_bib()`.

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8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion R/hooks-asciidoc.R
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Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ hook_plot_asciidoc = function(x, options) {
render_asciidoc = function() {
opts_knit$set(out.format = 'asciidoc')

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_asciidoc = function() {
hook.source = function(x, options) {
x = one_string(c(hilight_source(x, 'asciidoc', options), ''))
sprintf('\n[source,%s]\n----\n%s----\n', tolower(options$engine), x)
Expand All @@ -31,7 +37,7 @@ render_asciidoc = function() {
sprintf('\n[CAUTION]\n====\n.Error\n%s\n====\n', gsub('^.*Error: ', '', x))
hook.output = function(x, options) sprintf('\n----\n%s----\n', x)
source = hook.source, output = hook.output, message = hook.message,
warning = hook.warning, error = hook.error, plot = hook_plot_asciidoc
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28 changes: 17 additions & 11 deletions R/hooks-html.R
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Expand Up @@ -233,8 +233,16 @@ hook_r2swf = function(x, options) {
render_html = function() {
opts_knit$set(out.format = 'html')
h = opts_knit$get('header')
if (!nzchar(h['highlight'])) set_header(highlight = .header.hi.html)

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_html = function() {
# use div with different classes
html.hook = function(name) {
hook = function(name) {
function(x, options) {
x = if (name == 'source') {
Expand All @@ -244,14 +252,12 @@ render_html = function() {
sprintf('<div class="%s"><pre class="knitr %s">%s</pre></div>\n', name, tolower(options$engine), x)
h = opts_knit$get('header')
if (!nzchar(h['highlight'])) set_header(highlight = .header.hi.html)
z = list()
for (i in c('source', 'warning', 'message', 'error'))
z[[i]] = html.hook(i)
knit_hooks$set(inline = function(x) {
sprintf(if (inherits(x, 'AsIs')) '%s' else '<code class="knitr inline">%s</code>',
.inline.hook(format_sci(x, 'html')))
}, output = html.hook('output'), plot = hook_plot_html, chunk = .chunk.hook.html)
source = hook('source'), output = hook('output'), warning = hook('warning'),
message = hook('message'), error = hook('error'), plot = hook_plot_html,
chunk = .chunk.hook.html, inline = function(x) sprintf(
if (inherits(x, 'AsIs')) '%s' else '<code class="knitr inline">%s</code>',
.inline.hook(format_sci(x, 'html'))
113 changes: 79 additions & 34 deletions R/hooks-latex.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -231,44 +231,74 @@ hook_plot_tex = function(x, options) {

#' Set output hooks for different output formats
#' Set or get output hooks for different output formats
#' These functions set built-in output hooks for LaTeX, HTML, Markdown,
#' reStructuredText, AsciiDoc and Textile.
#' The \code{render_*()} functions set built-in output hooks for LaTeX, HTML,
#' Markdown, reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, and Textile. The \code{hooks_*()}
#' functions return a list of the output hooks for the corresponding format.
#' There are three variants of markdown documents: ordinary markdown
#' (\code{render_markdown(strict = TRUE)}), extended markdown (e.g. GitHub
#' Flavored Markdown and pandoc; \code{render_markdown(strict = FALSE)}), and
#' Jekyll (a blogging system on GitHub; \code{render_jekyll()}). For LaTeX
#' output, there are three variants as well: \pkg{knitr}'s default style
#' (\code{render_latex()}; use the LaTeX \pkg{framed} package), Sweave style
#' (\code{render_sweave()}; use \file{Sweave.sty}) and listings style
#' (\code{render_listings()}; use LaTeX \pkg{listings} package). Default HTML
#' output hooks are set by \code{render_html()}; \code{render_rst()} and
#' \code{render_asciidoc()} are for reStructuredText and AsciiDoc respectively.
#' There are three variants of Markdown documents: ordinary Markdown
#' (\code{render_markdown(strict = TRUE)}, which calls
#' \code{hooks_markdown(strict = TRUE)}), extended Markdown (e.g., GitHub
#' Flavored Markdown and Pandoc; \code{render_markdown(strict = FALSE)}, which
#' calls \code{hooks_markdown(strict = FALSE)}), and Jekyll (a blogging system
#' on GitHub; \code{render_jekyll()}, which calls \code{hooks_jekyll()}).
#' These functions can be used before \code{knit()} or in the first chunk of the
#' input document (ideally this chunk has options \code{include = FALSE} and
#' \code{cache = FALSE}) so that all the following chunks will be formatted as
#' expected.
#' For LaTeX output, there are three variants: \pkg{knitr}'s default style
#' (\code{render_latex()}, which calls \code{hooks_latex()} and uses the LaTeX
#' \pkg{framed} package), Sweave style (\code{render_sweave()}, which calls
#' \code{hooks_sweave()} and uses \file{Sweave.sty}), and listings style
#' (\code{render_listings()}, which calls \code{hooks_listings()} and uses LaTeX
#' \pkg{listings} package).
#' Default HTML output hooks are set by \code{render_html()} (which calls
#' \code{hooks_html()}); \code{render_rst()} (which calls \code{hooks_rst()}) is
#' for reStructuredText; \code{render_textile()} (which calls
#' \code{hooks_textile()}) is for Textile, and \code{render_asciidoc()} (which
#' calls \code{hooks_asciidoc()}) is AsciiDoc.
#' The \code{render_*()} functions can be used before \code{knit()} or in the
#' first chunk of the input document (ideally this chunk has options
#' \code{include = FALSE} and \code{cache = FALSE}) so that all the following
#' chunks will be formatted as expected.
#' You can also use \code{\link{knit_hooks}} to set the format's hooks with the
#' \code{hooks_*()} functions; see references for more info on further
#' customizing output hooks.
#' You can use \code{\link{knit_hooks}} to further customize output hooks; see
#' references.
#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @return \code{NULL}; corresponding hooks are set as a side effect
#' @return \code{NULL} for \code{render_*} functions; corresponding hooks are
#' set as a side effect. A list of output hooks for \code{hooks_*()}
#' functions.
#' @export
#' @references See output hooks in \url{}.
#' @references See output hooks in \url{}, and
#' some examples in
#' \url{}
#' Jekyll and Liquid:
#' \url{};
#' prettify.js: \url{}
#' \url{}; prettify.js:
#' \url{}
#' @examples
#' # below is pretty much what knitr::render_markdown() does:
#' knitr::knit_hooks$set(knitr::hooks_markdown())
#' # you can retrieve a subset of the hooks and set them, e.g.,
#' knitr::knit_hooks$set(knitr::hooks_markdown()["source"])
#' knitr::knit_hooks$restore()
render_latex = function() {
opts_chunk$set(out.width = '\\maxwidth', dev = 'pdf')
opts_knit$set(out.format = 'latex')
h = opts_knit$get('header')
if (!nzchar(h['framed'])) set_header(framed = .header.framed)
if (!nzchar(h['highlight'])) set_header(highlight = .header.hi.tex)

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_latex = function() {
source = function(x, options) {
x = hilight_source(x, 'latex', options)
if (options$highlight) {
Expand All @@ -295,39 +325,54 @@ render_latex = function() {

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
render_sweave = function() {
opts_chunk$set(highlight = FALSE, comment = NA, prompt = TRUE) # mimic Sweave settings
opts_knit$set(out.format = 'sweave')
test_latex_pkg('Sweave', file.path(R.home('share'), 'texmf', 'tex', 'latex', 'Sweave.sty'))
set_header(framed = '', highlight = '\\usepackage{Sweave}')

#' @param envirs Names of LaTeX environments for code input, output, and chunk.
#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_sweave = function(envirs = c('Sinput', 'Soutput', 'Schunk')) {
# wrap source code in the Sinput environment, output in Soutput
hook.i = function(x, options)
one_string(c('\\begin{Sinput}', hilight_source(x, 'sweave', options), '\\end{Sinput}', ''))
hook.i = function(x, options) one_string(c(
sprintf('\\begin{%s}', envirs[1]), hilight_source(x, 'sweave', options),
sprintf('\\end{%s}', envirs[1]), ''
hook.s = function(x, options) {
if (output_asis(x, options)) return(x)
paste0('\\begin{Soutput}\n', x, '\\end{Soutput}\n')
sprintf('\\begin{%s}\n%s\\end{%s}\n', envirs[2], x, envirs[2])
hook.c = function(x, options) {
if (output_asis(x, options)) return(x)
paste0('\\begin{Schunk}\n', x, '\\end{Schunk}')
sprintf('\\begin{%s}\n%s\\end{%s}', envirs[3], x, envirs[3])
knit_hooks$set(source = hook.i, output = hook.s, warning = hook.s,
message = hook.s, error = hook.s, inline = .inline.hook.tex,
plot = hook_plot_tex, chunk = hook.c)
source = hook.i, output = hook.s, warning = hook.s, message = hook.s,
error = hook.s, plot = hook_plot_tex, inline = .inline.hook.tex, chunk = hook.c

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
render_listings = function() {
opts_chunk$set(prompt = FALSE)
opts_chunk$set(highlight = FALSE, comment = NA, prompt = FALSE) # mimic Sweave settings
opts_knit$set(out.format = 'listings')
test_latex_pkg('Sweavel', system.file('misc', 'Sweavel.sty', package = 'knitr'))
set_header(framed = '', highlight = '\\usepackage{Sweavel}')

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_listings = hooks_sweave

# may add textile, and many other markup languages

#' Some potentially useful document hooks
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34 changes: 25 additions & 9 deletions R/hooks-md.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -140,6 +140,12 @@ block_attr = function(attr, class = NULL, lang = NULL) {
render_markdown = function(strict = FALSE, fence_char = '`') {
opts_knit$set(out.format = 'markdown')
knit_hooks$set(hooks_markdown(strict, fence_char))

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_markdown = function(strict = FALSE, fence_char = '`') {
fence = paste(rep(fence_char, 3), collapse = '')
# four spaces lead to <pre></pre>
hook.t = function(x, options, attr = NULL, class = NULL) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,10 +176,7 @@ render_markdown = function(strict = FALSE, fence_char = '`') {
attrs = block_attr(options$attr.source, options$class.source, language)
paste0('\n\n', fence, attrs, '\n', x, fence, '\n\n')
hooks = list()
for (i in c('output', 'warning', 'error', 'message')) hooks[[i]] = hook.o(i)
source = function(x, options) {
x = hilight_source(x, 'markdown', options)
(if (strict) hook.t else hook.r)(one_string(c(x, '')), options)
Expand All @@ -193,9 +196,12 @@ render_markdown = function(strict = FALSE, fence_char = '`') {
if (is.null(s <- options$indent)) return(x)
line_prompt(x, prompt = s, continue = s)
output = hook.o('output'), warning = hook.o('warning'),
error = hook.o('error'), message = hook.o('message')

#' @param highlight Which code highlighting engine to use: if \code{pygments},
#' the Liquid syntax is used (default approach Jekyll); if \code{prettify},
#' the output is prepared for the JavaScript library \file{prettify.js}; if
Expand All @@ -206,9 +212,16 @@ render_markdown = function(strict = FALSE, fence_char = '`') {
#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
render_jekyll = function(highlight = c('pygments', 'prettify', 'none'), extra = '') {
hi = match.arg(highlight)
if (hi == 'none') return()
knit_hooks$set(hooks_jekyll(highlight = highlight, extra = extra))

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_jekyll = function(highlight = c('pygments', 'prettify', 'none'), extra = '') {
hook.m = hooks_markdown(TRUE)
hi = match.arg(highlight)
if (hi == 'none') return(hook.m)
switch(hi, pygments = {
hook.r = function(x, options) {
Expand All @@ -230,8 +243,11 @@ render_jekyll = function(highlight = c('pygments', 'prettify', 'none'), extra =
'\n\n<pre><code>', escape_html(x), '</code></pre>\n\n'
knit_hooks$set(source = function(x, options) {
source = function(x, options) {
x = one_string(hilight_source(x, 'markdown', options))
hook.r(x, options)
}, output = hook.t, warning = hook.t, error = hook.t, message = hook.t)
merge_list(hook.m, list(
source = source, output = hook.t, warning = hook.t, message = hook.t, error = hook.t
11 changes: 9 additions & 2 deletions R/hooks-rst.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,20 +22,27 @@ hook_plot_rst = function(x, options) {
#' @export
render_rst = function(strict = FALSE) {

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_rst = function(strict = FALSE) {
hook.s = function(x, options) {
one_string(c('\n\n::\n', indent_block(x), ''))
hook.t = function(x, options) {
make_directive('sourcecode', tolower(options$engine), '', content = x)
hook.i = function(x) .inline.hook(format_sci(x, 'rst'))
source = function(x, options) {
x = one_string(c(hilight_source(x, 'rst', options), ''))
(if (strict) hook.s else hook.t)(x, options)
warning = hook.s, error = hook.s, message = hook.s,
output = hook.s, inline = hook.i, plot = hook_plot_rst)
output = hook.s, inline = hook.i, plot = hook_plot_rst

# Insert a reStructuredText directive for sphinx
Expand Down
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions R/hooks-textile.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,13 @@ hook_plot_textile = function(x, options) {
render_textile = function() {
opts_knit$set(out.format = 'textile')
textile.hook = function(name) {

#' @rdname output_hooks
#' @export
hooks_textile = function() {
hook = function(name) {
function(x, options) {
if (name == 'source') x = c(hilight_source(x, 'textile', options), '')
Expand All @@ -31,12 +37,9 @@ render_textile = function() {
tolower(options$engine), name, options$label, x)
hook.inline = function(x) .inline.hook(format_sci(x, 'html'))
z = list()
for (i in c('source', 'warning', 'message', 'error'))
z[[i]] = textile.hook(i)
inline = hook.inline, output = textile.hook('output'), plot = hook_plot_textile
source = hook('source'), output = hook('output'), warning = hook('warning'),
message = hook('message'), error = hook('error'), plot = hook_plot_textile,
inline = function(x) .inline.hook(format_sci(x, 'html'))

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