ansible playbook etc for cisco devices backups
to use this repo, first clone then perform the following:
- edit hosts file and add all cisco devices and their respective IPs.
- edit group_vars/all.yml and add users/pass info respectively
- then
ansible-vault encrypt group_vars/all.yml
enter in your encryption pass - then you can execute the playbook:
ansible-playbook backup.yml --ask-vault-pass
it will ask for your vault pass..then execute
- edit the ntp.yml to push whatever commands to the same infrastructure. (you can just add the ntp servers as set in script too)
- execute
ansible-playbook ntp.yml --ask-vault-pass
and the script will add the publicly available NTP server
X windows when SSHd
export XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority
virtmanager stuff
sudo virt-manager
sudo virsh destroy <vm-name>
sudo virsh start <vm-name>
sudo virt-viewer <vm-name>