just small clips of useful python specific snippets of code
Each section will have a snippet, that may be blocks of code, for specific purposes.
- These scripts will be able to be copied from the github readme page and pasted directly where you need them.
- These copied snippets can be tested by instantiating the python interpreter on your local CLI and pasting the snippet in the interpreter.
# python
Python 3.11.2 (main, Mar 13 2023, 12:18:29) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>># to exit remember type exit()
# below line builds a list with ip addresses ranging from to
# ips = ["192.168.1.{}".format(str(i)) for i in range(1,255)]
# This specific snippet is for GNS3 or network lab work where each consecutive device
# gets a loopback0 IP of, depending on number of switch
ips = [f"{i}.{i}.{i}.{i}" for i in range(1,7)]
# or use for loop for individuals per line
#for i in ips:
# print(i)
python -c 'ips = [f"{i}.{i}.{i}.{i}" for i in range(1, 7)]; [print(ip) for ip in ips]' > ipaddresses101.txt
#write a comment style line out with a couple of variables for name and IP
HST = "host1"
IP = ""
print("!"*50 + f"Host: {HST} IP: {IP}" + "!"*50)
#If combined with Snippet 1 this will write a flat text file with ip addresses in it from ips
#otherwise it will just write out ips from variable below
#(try,except, else checks to see if ips is empty)
except NameError:
ips = ["",""]
print("ips are populated from snippet 1")
with open("ipaddresses1.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as invt:
for ip in ips:
print("File ipaddresses1.txt has been written!")
#This should result in a file written in directory you are in with an ip per line
# This will write out an ansible inventory file with IPS
# that were created with snippet 3 or just a flat iP file
# This script is included in repo as inventory_ansible.py and
# is best executed as python inventory_ansible.py
# the interpreter doesn't work well for just copying and pasting
import glob
ipfile = glob.glob("*ipaddress*")
#if else for if file exists or not
if ipfile:
with open(ipfile[0], "r", encoding="utf-8") as FH:
ipadds = []
for line in FH.readlines():
inventory = f"[{GROUP_NAME}]\n"
for index, ip in enumerate(ipadds, start=1):
inventory += f"host_{index} ansible_host=\"{ip}\"\n"
with open("hosts", "w") as hosts_file:
print("OK inventory file written!!")
print("No ipaddresses file found exiting now!")
# This script will execute another python file from within a python script or interpreter
with open('inventory_ansible.py') as file:
# You can copy and rename 'inventory_ansible.py' with whatever python script you need to execute
python -c "with open('inventory_ansible.py') as file: exec(file.read())"