Here, the lDDT score is calculated on single-atom amino acid representation (either
To download and install the software, run:
git clone
cd lDDT_align
python -m pip install .
lDDT_align [-h] [--thresholds thr [thr ...]] [--inclusion-radius R0] [--atom-type type] [--scale SCALE]
[--gap-penalty GAP_PEN]
ref query
Performs structural alignment of two proteins in order to optimize their lDDT
positional arguments:
ref Reference protein PDB
query Query protein PDB
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--thresholds thr [thr ...], -t thr [thr ...]
List of thresholds for lDDT scoring (default: [0.5, 1, 2, 4])
--inclusion-radius R0, -r0 R0
Inclusion radius (default: 15.0)
--atom-type type, -a type
Atom type to calculate distances (choices: {CA, centroid}, default: CA)
--scale SCALE, -s SCALE
Scale factor for the initial alignment (default: 1)
Minimum scaled lDDT score to calculate lDDT on full-scale protein (default: 0.3)
--gap-penalty GAP_PEN, -g GAP_PEN
Penalty to open or extend a gap in the alignment (default: 0.0)
Aligning a CASP14 model to the native PDB structure:
$ lDDT_align test/6t1z.pdb test/T1024TS472_1-D1
Reference: test/6t1z.pdb
Query: test/T1024TS472_1-D1
Total lDDT score: 0.711
Ref. Score Query
G - -
K 0.64 K
E 0.72 E
D 0.78 D
K - -
T - -
K - -
It is also posible to quickly align a query against a reference DB to discover proteins with similar fold. In this case, only the total lDDT is output for each query-reference pair. First, build the DB from a folder of PDB files into a pickle file:
$ python src/lDDT_align/ data/scop-pdb/ data/scop-pdb.pkl
Then launch the alignments against the pickle file:
$ lDDT_align data/scop-pdb.pkl test/T1024TS472_1-D1
Reference Target lDDT
d1ejfa_ T1024TS472_1-D1 0.192
d1ekea_ T1024TS472_1-D1 0.243
d1e32a3 T1024TS472_1-D1 0.243