Picsum is a commmand-line utility that allows you to download random pictures to use as placeholders from LoremFlickr.
npx picsum
-V, --version output the version number
-w, --width [width] image width in pixels (default 100)
-h, --height [height] image height in pixels (default 100)
-n, --number [number] number of images to get (default 1)
-f, --filename [name] set output filename (default image)
-r, --retina download retina versions as well (default false)
-q, --query [keywords] keywords for searching thematic pictures
-h, --help output usage information
npx picsum -w 1024 -h 768 -n 5 -f photo -r -q cats
will download five cats images in 1024x768 and in 2048x1536 (retina) and name them
, [email protected]
, photo-2.jpg
, [email protected]
, etc. in the current
- Tests!
- Prevent downloading the same image twice
- Upgrade node-fetch dependency to fix security vulnerability
- Fix typo in README
- Add a query parameter to search image by keywords
- Use Unsplash Source instead of
- First release