π awesome Clojure projects created or maintained by π§π·'s
π§π· projetos Clojure maravilhosos criados ou mantidos por π§π·'s
- bee-record Where "ActiveRecord" encounters "HoneySQL"
- check Library helpers for a better testing world.
- clj4intellij Library for develop IntelliJ plugins in Clojure.
- clj-editors Clojure Editors Tooling
- clj-depend A Clojure namespace dependency analyzer
- clj-holmes A CLI SAST (Static application security testing) tool which was built with the intent of finding vulnerable Clojure code via rules that use a simple pattern language.
- clojure-lsp Clojure & ClojureScript Language Server (LSP) implementation
- clojure-lsp-intellij Intellij Plugin for Clojure & ClojureScript development via Language Server (LSP) made in Clojure
- clojure-repl-intellij Free OpenSource IntelliJ plugin for Clojure REPL development.
- deps-bin Library that builds an executable containing a embedded jar inside.
- edn-query-language EQL is a declarative way to make hierarchical (and possibly nested) selections of information about data requirements
- hodur-org Hodur is a domain modeling approach and collection of libraries to Clojure.
- lsp4clj LSP base support for any LSP that is implemented in Clojure
- matcher-combinators Library for creating matcher combinator to compare nested data structures
- moclojer Simple and efficient HTTP mock server with specification in yaml, edn or OpenAPI
- pathom Pathom is a Clojure(script) engine for processing EQL requests.
- pathom3 Interface with complex data via graph mapping.
- recife A Clojure model checker (using the TLA+/TLC engine).
- state-flow Integration testing framework using a state monad in the backend for building and composing flows
- stub Library to generate stubs for other Clojure libraries.
- vybe A Clojure framework for game dev (alpha).