The goal of the piscine Python is to get a grasp of the language, its concepts and tools, for data science.
First, we dive into the basic aspects of the language : syntax, types, data structures, formatting. We also learn to make a decorator much like tqdm, and to make our own packages.
This day is an introduction to 2 libraries : - NumPy for arrays and matrices - PIL/Pillow for image processing We also make some use of Matplotlib for its visualization capabilities
We start with some light data manipulation using Pandas, including handling data from external files. Then we use Matplotlib to create plots in order to visualize these sets of data.
No more libraries! Now we delve into object-oriented programming. This means class creation, magic/dunder methods and use of decorators.
This is the last day of this piscine, focused on data-oriented design. We look into how data is accessed, by using wrapper functions and dataclass.