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It is a MVC framwork made in PHP, inspired by CodeIgniter

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Repository files navigation


It is a MVC framwork made in PHP.


Since I am using latest version of twig and it needs at least php 7.0. you will need what a typical php project will require.



  • composer create-project codera21/sf project_name
  • cd project_name
  • run php -S localhost:8080


  1. Controller Name must be in CapitalCase and must follow Controller suffix
  2. Function inside the Controller also must be in CapitalCase and must follow Action suffix
  3. Table in Database and it's respective Model Class name must be in pural.

Getting Started

Using the Controller

Inside Application\WebInterfaceyou will see three folders Controllers , Models , ViewModels , Views. Goto Controllers then Create one new Controller Let's Say PageController.php with one method IndexAction() the code is as shown below:

namespace WebInterface\Controllers;
use System\MVC\Controller;

class PageController extends Controller
    public function IndexAction()
        echo("Hello World");

Then in the output navigate to <Host>/<ProjectName>/Page/Index or <Host>/<ProjectName>/Page in my case http://localhost:90/SimpleFrameWork/Page then you will see the page with string "Hello World" echoed out. Yes the routes are created automatically in this format : <host>/<controller>/<action/method>


In the same PageController I created a new method AddAction(int $num1 , int $num2) the code is as follows:

    public function AddAction($num1, $num2)
        echo $num1 + $num2;

Now if you navigate to link like http://localhost:90/SimpleFrameWork/Page/Add/5/5 then you will see in the page 10 echoed out.

Dealing with database

One of the strong suite of the SimpleFramework is its easy to use out of the box ORM for common database queries:

Connection to database

Goto Application/Config/DbConfig.php and fill up the ServerName, Username, Password and DatabaseName. eg:

   function __construct()
        $this->databaseConnection = new DatabaseConnection();

        $this->databaseConnection->ServerName = 'localhost';
        $this->databaseConnection->Username = 'root';
        $this->databaseConnection->Password = '';
        $this->databaseConnection->DatabaseName = 'products';


Suppose you have a table named items with columns ID , ItemName, ItemPrice, ItemCategory. Then in WebInterface/Models create a class Items like:

namespace WebInterface\Models;

use System\MVC\ModelAbstract;

class Items extends ModelAbstract
    public $ID;
    public $ItemName;
    public $ItemPrice;
    public $ItemCategory;


Make a Repo of database functions in Application/Repository make a new class ItemRepo with constructor initialized with Model class ( made above) and table like this:

use System\Repositories\Repo;

class ItemRepo extends Repo
    private $table = 'items';
    private $modelClass = 'WebInterface\\Models\\Items';

    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct($this->table, $this->modelClass);

Calling Common database queries:

In the PageController's IndexAction I can create an object of ItemRepo and use its common queries:

 public function IndexAction()
        $itemRepo = new ItemRepo();
        $itemData = $itemRepo->GetAll();
        $this->load->TwigView('Page/index', ['data' => $itemData]);

It is a good idea to make object in the constructor if more than one function uses the particular Repository:

namespace WebInterface\Controllers;

use Repositories\ItemRepo;
use System\MVC\Controller;

class PageController extends Controller
    private $itemRepo;
    public function __construct()
        $this->itemRepo = new ItemRepo();
    public function IndexAction()
        $itemData = $this->itemRepo->GetAll();
        $this->load->TwigView('Page/index', ['data' => $itemData]);

list of common queries

 Insert($model, $removeFields = array(), $table = null) // this is protected function
 UpdateTable($model, $removeFields, $id = null, $table = null, $updateFrom = null, $updateFromValue = null) // this is also protected
 Delete($id, $idFieldName = null)
 GetById($id, $idFieldName = null)
 GetAllByViewModelWithOutJoin($viewModelClass, $whereConditions = array())

custom query ( we use PDO)

you can create your own custom functions and make your own queries like this in Repository/ItemRepo new function Custom is made:

public function Custom($id)
        $sql = "select * from items where ID = :ID";
        $sqlQuery = $this->dbConnection->prepare($sql);
        $sqlQuery->bindParam(':ID', $id);

Many More Features

There are many more features of SimpleFramework, that is not covered here. please go through this framework and see for yourself :)


It is a MVC framwork made in PHP, inspired by CodeIgniter







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