Releases: coderaiser/putout
Releases · coderaiser/putout
putout v38.5.4
🐞 fix
- 7d2db2f @putout/plugin-reuse-duplicate-init: overlap
- c311d1b eslint-plugin-putout: rules
- 9fe9718 eslint-plugin-putout: exports: rules
🔥 feature
- 1af5645 putout: @putout/plugin-reuse-duplicate-init v7.0.0
- ad76550 @putout/plugin-reuse-duplicate-init: drop support of 🐊 < 38
- 2d49645 @putout/plugin-filesystem: remove-nyc-output-files: add
- be3cbcd @putout/plugin-putout: add-traverse-args: options
- 0dcc70f @putout/plugin-eslint: apply-define-config: add (
- 1aaeac6 @putout/plugin-putout: check-declare: add
- 2de7fd4 @putout/plugin-eslint: declare: defineConfig, globalIgnores
- c0efe51 remove-unused-variables: ExportNamedDeclaraiton: ObjectPattern
- 72c932e @putout/eslint-flat: createESLintConfig: alias to defineConfig
- 95c59f7 eslint-plugin-putout: export plugin (#232)
putout v38.5.3
🐞 fix
- 48492ec @putout/cli-process-file: log error
- 9509894 @putout/cli-process-file: log any kind of error, not only from parser
🔥 feature
- 4183d7a putout: @putout/plugin-remove-duplicate-keys v7.0.0
- 66e8e4b @putout/plugin-remove-duplicate-keys: drop support of 🐊 < 38
- 4dfb778 @putout/plugin-remove-duplicate-keys: argument name clash support
- 208422a @putout/operate: traverseProperties: ObjectPattern: exclude RestElement
- 340e3a1 eslint-plugin-puotut: plugin: convert to ESM
- fade161 @putout/cli-process-file: FLATLINT
- ecf87f8 @putout/plugin-putout: apply-lowercase-to-node-builders: add (babel/babel#17129)
- 8622b32 @putout/plugin-react-hooks: drop support of 🐊 < 38
- 43c2582 @putout/plugin-react-hooks: convert-state-to-hooks: change names
- 4139f0c @putout/plugin-putout: declare: lowercased node builders (babel/babel#17129)
- f69c01e @putout/plugin-remove-unused-private-fields: report
- 07c7093 @putout/plugin-remove-unused-private-fields: convert to Traverser
putout v38.5.2
🔥 feature
- f3b7634 putout: @putout/plugin-madrun v20.0.0
- 696408a @putout/plugin-madrun: drop support of 🐊 < 38
- 8fd8736 @putout/plugin-madrun: add-missing-quotes-to-watcher
- 80ffe03 @putout/compare: jessy v4.1.0
- 5095a96 @putout/engine-runner: jessy v4.0.0
- 0859c02 @putout/plugin-eslint: remove-useless-match-to-flat: add
putout v38.5.1
putout v38.5.0
🔥 feature
- 66cc1de @putout/plugin-split-call-with-destructuring: add
putout v38.4.5
🐞 fix
- 81b0381 @putout/plugin-apply-arrow: no loc
- 9f556a4 eslint-plugin-putout: typescript version according to peer dependencies
🔥 feature
- d1b5a37 putout: @putout/plugin-apply-arrow v2.0.0
- 6c78e2a @putout/plugin-apply-arrow: drop support of 🐊 < 38
- dc08ab5 @putout/engine-runner: find: override traverse
- 6dd6b23 @putout/plugin-declare-before-reference: improve uid check
- 1929a98 @putout/plugin-declare-before-reference: add not top level
- e30bfad @putout/plugin-split-assignment-expressions: array destructuring after variable assignment
- 7fa846e @putout/test: report: add ability to pass plugins
putout v38.4.4
🐞 fix
- 22496dc @putout/engine-runner: remove useless should skip
🔥 feature
- 11d844a putout: @putout/plugin-split-assignment-expressions v2.0.0
- 6b36f0b @putout/plugin-split-assignment-expressions: false positive: MemberExpression with SequenceExpression property
- 0f13915 @putout/plugin-split-assignment-expressions: drop support of 🐊 < 38
- 4dd1beb @putout/cli-process-file: use flatlint only when reason = parse
- a72e6ea @putout/engine-runner: reason: fix
- 6b27274 @putout/engine-runner: add error reason when throw during traverse
- 61792e6 @putout/cli-process-file: do not run samadhi, when reason of an error is traverse
putout v38.4.3
🔥 feature
- d1d7215 putout: @putout/plugin-apply-destructuring v8.0.0
- dacc7c4 @putout/plugin-apply-destructuring: shorten
- 10a4299 @putout/plugin-apply-destructuring: assign
- c7e0ff2 @putout/plugin-apply-destructuring: drop support of 🐊 < 38
- 884c7a1 @putout/plugin-minify: drop support of 🐊 < 38
- 9465e15 @putout/engine-runner: fixCount: 2
- 32c313f @putout/engine-runner: traverse: override
- 58f32a1 @putout/plugin-esm: apply-export-from: add
- e93b188 @putout/plugin-typescript: apply-utility-types: Optional: add
- 04b17fd @putout/eslint-config: no-empty: off
- 9916d5c @putout/plugin-remove-nested-blocks: remove useless crawl
- a23b1a2 @putout/operate: remove: do not throw when no node
- b5d6949 eslint-plugin-putout: export rules
- 525711e @putout/eslint: get rid of legacy ESLintRC
putout v38.4.2
putout v38.4.1
🔥 feature
- 79ca064 putout: @putout/plugin-eslint v12.0.0