- HPC Pack REST API 2016
- Overview
- Paths
- Get HPC Pack Version
- Get Active Head Node Name
- Get DateTime Format
- Get Node List
- Get Node by Name
- Get Node Group List
- Get Node Group Members
- Get Job List
- Create Job
- Create Job From XML
- Get Job
- Set Job Properties
- Get Job Custom Properties
- Set Job Custom Properties
- Get Job Environment Variables
- Set Job Environment Variables
- Submit Job
- Cancel Job
- Finish Job
- Requeue Job
- Get Task List
- Add Task
- Get Task
- Set Task Properties
- Get Task Custom Properties
- Set Task Custom Properties
- Get Task Environment Variables
- Set Task Environment Variables
- Cancel Task
- Finish Task
- Requeue Task
- Get Subtask
- Set Subtask Properties
- Cancel Subtask
- Finish Subtask
- Requeue Subtask
- Get Job Templates
- Definitions
- Security
This is the API spec for Microsoft HPC Pack 2016 Update 3.
Version : 1.0.0
Contact Email : [email protected]
BasePath : /hpc Schemes : HTTPS
GET /cluster/version
Get the version of Microsoft HPC Pack installed on the HPC cluster that hosts the web service.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return the installed HPC Pack version. | string |
GET /cluster/activeHeadNode
Get the name of the active head node of the HPC Pack cluster.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return the active head node name. | string |
GET /cluster/info/dateTimeFormat
Get DateTime format for the DateTime objects returned in the API
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return the DateTime format. | string |
"M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss tt"
GET /nodes
Get the values of the specified properties for all of the nodes in an HPC cluster.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string | |
Query | $filter optional |
Filter result by specified filters. A filter is in the form of "{name}20eq%20{value}". Now the only available filter is NodeState. | string | |
Query | properties optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the properties of the nodes for which you want to get values. If you do not specify the Properties parameter, the response contains values for all of the available properties of the nodes. | string | |
Query | queryId optional |
The value of the x-ms-continuation-queryId header from the previouse response of this operation, used for reading the next page of data. | string | |
Query | rowsPerRead optional |
Specifies how many rows of data to retrieve each time. | integer | 10 |
Query | sortNodesBy optional |
A node property by which nodes will be sorted. If this parameter is not specified or a property with a specified name does not exist for a node, the result will be sorted by node Id. | string | "Id" |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return a list of nodes. Headers : x-ms-continuation-queryId (string) : Enables large sets of data to be returned in smaller responses across a continuation sequence of several requests. The value of this header is to be assigned to the queryId query parameter in the next call of the sequence of calls to this API. The response contains this header as long as additional data remains to be processed. The format of the data in this header is not guaranteed to remain unchanged. You should only copy the data in this header from one operation in a set of multiple operations to the queryId URI parameter for the next operation. You should not use the data in this header or depend on the format of the data in this header in any other way. |
< RestObject > array |
[ {
"Properties" : [ {
"Name" : "Id",
"Value" : "1"
}, {
"Name" : "Name",
"Value" : "WIN2016"
}, {
"Name" : "State",
"Value" : "Online"
}, {
"Name" : "Availability",
"Value" : "AlwaysOn"
}, {
"Name" : "Location",
"Value" : "OnPremise"
}, {
"Name" : "OnlineTime",
"Value" : "7/5/2019 9:05:07 AM"
} ]
} ]
GET /nodes/{name}
Get the values of all of the properties for the specified node.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | name required |
Node name. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return all properties of the node. | < RestProperty > array |
GET /nodes/groups
Get the names and descriptions for all of the node groups for the HPC cluster.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return a list of node groups. | < RestObject > array |
[ {
"Properties" : [ {
"Name" : "Name",
"Value" : "HeadNodes"
}, {
"Name" : "Description",
"Value" : "The head nodes in the cluster"
} ]
}, {
"Properties" : [ {
"Name" : "Name",
"Value" : "ComputeNodes"
}, {
"Name" : "Description",
"Value" : "The compute nodes in the cluster"
} ]
}, {
"Properties" : [ {
"Name" : "Name",
"Value" : "WCFBrokerNodes"
}, {
"Name" : "Description",
"Value" : "The broker nodes in the cluster"
} ]
} ]
GET /nodes/groups/{name}
Get the list of the nodes that belong to the specified node group.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | name required |
Node group name. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return a name list of nodes which belong to the node group. | < string > array |
[ "CN001", "CN002", "CN003" ]
GET /jobs
Gets all/filtered jobs for the HPC cluster.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string | |
Query | $filter optional |
Filter jobs by specified filters. A filter is in the form of "{name}20eq%20{value}", and multiple filters can be ANDed like "{filter1}%20and%20{filter2}…". Available filter names are JobState, NodeGroup and ChangeTimeFrom. | string | |
Query | owner optional |
The user who created, submitted, or queued the job. | string | |
Query | properties optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the properties of the jobs for which you want to get values. | string | "Id,Owner,Name,State,Priority" |
Query | queryId optional |
The value of the x-ms-continuation-queryId header from the previouse response of this operation, used for reading the next page of data. | string | |
Query | rowsPerRead optional |
Specifies how many rows of data to retrieve each time. | integer | 10 |
Query | sortJobsBy optional |
A job property by which jobs will be sorted. If this parameter is not specified or a property with a specified name does not exist for a job, the result will be sorted by job Id. | string | "Id" |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return a list of jobs. Headers : x-ms-continuation-queryId (string) : Enables large sets of data to be returned in smaller responses across a continuation sequence of several requests. The value of this header is to be assigned to the queryId query parameter in the next call of the sequence of calls to this API. The response contains this header as long as additional data remains to be processed. The format of the data in this header is not guaranteed to remain unchanged. You should only copy the data in this header from one operation in a set of multiple operations to the queryId URI parameter for the next operation. You should not use the data in this header or depend on the format of the data in this header in any other way. |
< RestObject > array |
[ {
"Properties" : [ {
"Name" : "Id",
"Value" : "14"
}, {
"Name" : "Owner",
"Value" : "HPC\hpcadmin"
}, {
"Name" : "State",
"Value" : "Finished"
} ]
}, {
"Properties" : [ {
"Name" : "Id",
"Value" : "11"
}, {
"Name" : "Owner",
"Value" : "HPC\hpcadmin"
}, {
"Name" : "State",
"Value" : "Finished"
} ]
} ]
POST /jobs
Creates a new job on the HPC cluster.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Body | properties optional |
Properties of job to create | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | The newly created job id is returned. | integer |
POST /jobs/jobFile
Create a new job on the HPC cluster by using the information in the specified job XML string.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Body | xml optional |
Job properties in XML | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | The newly created job id is returned. | integer |
GET /jobs/{jobId}
Get information about the specified job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Query | properties optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the properties of the job for which you want to get values. If you do not specify this parameter, the response contains values for all of the properties of the job. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return all/specified properties of the job. | < RestProperty > array |
[ {
"Name" : "Id",
"Value" : "14"
}, {
"Name" : "Name",
"Value" : "My Task"
}, {
"Name" : "Owner",
"Value" : "HPC\hpcadmin"
}, {
"Name" : "State",
"Value" : "Finished"
} ]
PUT /jobs/{jobId}
Set the values for the properties of the specified job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Properties of job to set | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
GET /jobs/{jobId}/customProperties
Get the values of the specified custom properties for the job, or the values of all of the properties if none are specified.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Query | names optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the custom properties of the job for which you want to get values. If you do not specify the Names parameter, the response contains values for all of the custom properties for the job. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return all/specified custom properties of the job. | < RestProperty > array |
[ {
"Name" : "c1",
"Value" : "v1"
}, {
"Name" : "c2",
"Value" : "v2"
} ]
POST /jobs/{jobId}/customProperties
Set the values of custom properties for a job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Custom properties for the job | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
GET /jobs/{jobId}/envVariables
Get the values of the specified environment variables for the job, or the values of all of the environment variables if none are specified.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Query | names optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the environment variables in the job for which you want to get values. If you do not specify the Names parameter, the response contains values for all of the environment variables for the job. If an environment variable with a specified name does not exist for the job, the response contains an empty string for the value of that environment variable. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return all/specified environment variables of the job. | < RestProperty > array |
[ {
"Name" : "c1",
"Value" : "v1"
}, {
"Name" : "c2",
"Value" : "v2"
} ]
POST /jobs/{jobId}/envVariables
Sets the values of environment variables for a job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Environment variables for the job | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/submit
Submit a job to the HPC Job Scheduler Service so that the HPC Job Scheduler Service can add the job to the queue of jobs to run. If the credentials for the account under which the job should run are not cached on the server, you can set them in the UserName and Password properties. A job that is submitted by this operation is not validated. After the job is submitted, you can get information about the job by using the Get Job operation.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Properties of job to submit | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/cancel
Cancel the specified job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string | |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer | |
Query | forced optional |
Specifies whether to stop the job immediately without using the grace period for canceling the tasks in the job and without running the node release task, if the job contains one. True indicates that the job should stop immediately without using the grace period for canceling the tasks in the job and without running the node release task. False indicates that the job should not stop immediately and should use the grace period for canceling the tasks in the job and run the node release task. | boolean | "false" |
Body | message optional |
A message for the operation. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/finish
Finish the specified job. It's silimar to canceling a job, but sets the job state to "Finished" rather than "Canceled".
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Body | message optional |
A message for the operation. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/requeue
Resubmit the specified job to the queue.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
GET /jobs/{jobId}/tasks
Get the values of the properties for all of the tasks in the specified job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string | |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer | |
Query | $filter optional |
Filter tasks by specified filters. A filter is in the form of "{name}20eq%20{value}", and multiple filters can be ANDed like "{filter1}%20and%20{filter2}…". Available filter names are TaskState, ChangeTimeFrom, TaskStates, TaskIds and TaskInstanceIds. | string | |
Query | expandParametric optional |
Specifies whether to get properties only for the master task for a parametric sweep task, or for all of the subtasks instead. True indicates that you want to get properties for all of the subtasks. False indicates that you want to get properties only for the master task. | boolean | "true" |
Query | properties optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the properties of the tasks for which you want to get values. | string | "TaskId,Name,State,CommandLine,ExitCode,ParentJobId,JobTaskId,InstanceId" |
Query | queryId optional |
The value of the x-ms-continuation-queryId header from the previouse response of this operation, used for reading the next page of data. | string | |
Query | rowsPerRead optional |
Specifies how many rows of data to retrieve each time. | integer | 10 |
Query | sortTasksBy optional |
A task property by which tasks will be sorted. If this parameter is not specified or a property with a specified name does not exist for a task, the result will be sorted by task Id. | string | "TaskId" |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return a list of tasks of the job. Headers : x-ms-continuation-queryId (string) : Enables large sets of data to be returned in smaller responses across a continuation sequence of several requests. The value of this header is to be assigned to the queryId query parameter in the next call of the sequence of calls to this API. The response contains this header as long as additional data remains to be processed. The format of the data in this header is not guaranteed to remain unchanged. You should only copy the data in this header from one operation in a set of multiple operations to the queryId URI parameter for the next operation. You should not use the data in this header or depend on the format of the data in this header in any other way. |
< RestObject > array |
[ {
"Properties" : [ {
"Name" : "TaskId",
"Value" : "22.1.1"
}, {
"Name" : "Name",
"Value" : "My Sweep Task"
}, {
"Name" : "State",
"Value" : "Finished"
}, {
"Name" : "CommandLine",
"Value" : "echo 1"
}, {
"Name" : "ExitCode",
"Value" : "0"
}, {
"Name" : "ParentJobId",
"Value" : "22"
}, {
"Name" : "JobTaskId",
"Value" : "1"
}, {
"Name" : "InstanceId",
"Value" : "1"
} ]
}, {
"Properties" : [ {
"Name" : "TaskId",
"Value" : "22.1.2"
}, {
"Name" : "Name",
"Value" : "My Sweep Task"
}, {
"Name" : "State",
"Value" : "Finished"
}, {
"Name" : "CommandLine",
"Value" : "echo 2"
}, {
"Name" : "ExitCode",
"Value" : "0"
}, {
"Name" : "ParentJobId",
"Value" : "22"
}, {
"Name" : "JobTaskId",
"Value" : "1"
}, {
"Name" : "InstanceId",
"Value" : "2"
} ]
} ]
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks
Add a task to a job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Properties of task to add. | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | The newly created task id is returned. | integer |
GET /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}
Get the values of the specified properties for the specified task, or the values of all of the properties if no properties are specified.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Query | properties optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the properties of the task for which you want to get values. If you do not specify this parameter, the response contains values for all of the properties of the task. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return all/specified properties of the task. | < RestProperty > array |
[ {
"Name" : "TaskId",
"Value" : "37.3"
}, {
"Name" : "JobTaskId",
"Value" : "3"
}, {
"Name" : "InstanceId",
"Value" : "0"
}, {
"Name" : "State",
"Value" : "Finished"
}, {
"Name" : "CommandLine",
"Value" : "time /t"
} ]
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}
Set the values of properties for a task in a job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Properties of task to set. | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
GET /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/customProperties
Get the values of the specified custom properties for the task, or the values of all of the properties if none are specified.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Query | names optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the custom properties of the task for which you want to get values. If you do not specify the Names parameter, the response contains values for all of the custom properties for the task. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return all/specified custom properties of the task. | < RestProperty > array |
[ {
"Name" : "c1",
"Value" : "v1"
}, {
"Name" : "c2",
"Value" : "v2"
} ]
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/customProperties
Set the values of custom properties for a task.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Custom properties for the task | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
GET /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/envVariables
Get the values of the specified environment variables for the task, or the values of all of the environment variables if none are specified.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Query | names optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the environment variables in the task for which you want to get values. If you do not specify the Names parameter, the response contains values for all of the environment variables for the task. If an environment variable with a specified name does not exist for the task, the response contains an empty string for the value of that environment variable. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return all/specified environment variables of the task. | < RestProperty > array |
[ {
"Name" : "c1",
"Value" : "v1"
}, {
"Name" : "c2",
"Value" : "v2"
} ]
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/envVariables
Set the value of one or more environment variables for a task.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Environment variables for the task | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/cancel
Cancel the specified task.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string | |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer | |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer | |
Query | forced optional |
Specifies whether to stop the task immediately without using the grace period for canceling a task. True indicates that the task should stop immediately without using the grace period for canceling a task. False indicates that the task should use the grace period for canceling a task. | boolean | "false" |
Body | message optional |
A message for the operation. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/finish
Finish the specified task. It's silimar to canceling a task, but sets the task state to "Finished" rather than "Canceled".
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Body | message optional |
A message for the operation. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/requeue
Move a failed, canceled, or queued task to the configuring state so that the task can be queued again when the job is resubmitted.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Body | message optional |
A message for the operation. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
GET /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/subtasks/{subtaskId}
Get the values of the specified properties for the specified subtask, or the values of all of the properties if no properties are specified. Only Parameteric Sweep job have subtasks.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | subtaskId required |
Subtask Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Query | properties optional |
A comma-separated list of the names for the properties of the subtask for which you want to get values. If you do not specify this parameter, the response contains values for all of the properties of the subtask. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return all/specified properties of the subtask. | < RestProperty > array |
[ {
"Name" : "JobTaskId",
"Value" : "1"
}, {
"Name" : "TaskId",
"Value" : "22.1.3"
}, {
"Name" : "InstanceId",
"Value" : "3"
}, {
"Name" : "CommandLine",
"Value" : "echo 3"
} ]
PUT /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/subtasks/{subtaskId}
Set the values of properties for a subtask in a job.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | subtaskId required |
Subtask Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Body | properties optional |
Properties of subtask to set. | < RestProperty > array |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/subtasks/{subtaskId}/cancel
Cancel the specified subtask.
Type | Name | Description | Schema | Default |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string | |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer | |
Path | subtaskId required |
Subtask Id | integer | |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer | |
Query | forced optional |
Specifies whether to stop the subtask immediately without using the grace period for canceling a task. True indicates that the subtask should stop immediately without using the grace period for canceling a task. False indicates that the subtask should use the grace period for canceling. | boolean | "false" |
Body | message optional |
A message for the operation. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/subtasks/{subtaskId}/finish
Finish the specified subtask.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | subtaskId required |
Subtask Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
Body | message optional |
A message for the operation. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
POST /jobs/{jobId}/tasks/{taskId}/subtasks/{subtaskId}/requeue
Move a failed, canceled, or queued subtask to the configuring state so that the subtask can be queued again when the job is resubmitted.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
Path | jobId required |
Job Id | integer |
Path | subtaskId required |
Subtask Id | integer |
Path | taskId required |
Task Id | integer |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
204 | OK | No Content |
GET /jobs/templates
Get a list of the names of the job templates that are available on the HPC cluster.
Type | Name | Description | Schema |
Header | x-ms-as-user optional |
The name of user whom you want to make request as. You must be an HPC Pack administrator or HPC Pack Job administrator to make it work. | string |
HTTP Code | Description | Schema |
200 | Return a list of template names. | < string > array |
[ "Default" ]
Name | Schema |
properties optional |
< RestProperty > array |
Name | Schema |
name optional |
string |
value optional |
string |
Type : basic