Containing tools / configurations for deploying CoMPAS services.
There is a pre configured Docker Compose file, which starts all the given CoMPAS services. To start all configured services using BaseX, run the following two commands:
# Build (if needed) and start all the containers in the background.
docker-compose --env-file compas/.env -f compas/docker-compose-basex.yml up -d --build
This command will first build the custom images for Keycloak and the Reverse Proxy and then start all containers. To know if all containers are running execute the shell script "bin/". This script will wait until all containers are running.
Now, the following services are available:
- open-scd, available at http://localhost/.
- logout, available at http://localhost/logout.
- scl-data-service, available at http://localhost/compas-scl-data-service.
- cim-mapping - IEC 61850 mapping, available at http://localhost/compas-cim-mapping/.
- basex, available at http://localhost:1984/
- keycloak, available at http://localhost/auth/ or directly if needed http://localhost:8089/auth/.
- Imports the demo configuration.
- reverse-proxy, OpenResty instance that works as a reverse proxy so all services are available through a single port.
- The JWT Access Token is added to the header for all Services, like the SCL Data Service.
To stop and remove all the containers run the command:
# Stop all containers and remove the volumes.
docker-compose -f compas/docker-compose-basex.yml down -v
The option '-v' also removes the volumes created, so all data is lost with this option.
There is a pre configured Docker Compose file, which starts all the given CoMPAS services. To start all configured services using PostgreSQL, run the following two commands:
# Build (if needed) and start all the containers in the background.
docker-compose --env-file compas/.env -f compas/docker-compose-postgresql.yml up -d --build
This command will first build the custom images for Keycloak and the Reverse Proxy and then start all containers. To know if all containers are running execute the shell script "bin/". This script will wait until all containers are running.
The URLs are the same as for the BaseX version, except of course the BaseX Container. This is now a PostgreSQL container. The PostgreSQL container is available at port 5432.
To stop and remove all the containers run the command:
# Stop all containers and remove the volumes.
docker-compose -f compas/docker-compose-postgresql.yml down -v
The option '-v' also removes the volumes created, so all data is lost with this option.
The SCL Validator Service can be extended with custom OCL and NSDOC Files. These can be placed in specific directories, see OCL Files and NSDOC Files.
Using the current configuration with Keycloak and OpenResty (lua-resty-session) sometimes gives an error "state from argument does not match state restored from session". This mostly happens after using logout or the session is expired. The login page is shown, but after login this error is shown. Just open the url http://localhost/ again and OpenSCD is shown again, also being logged in.
For demo purposes, a demo Keycloak configuration is created which can be imported when running a Keycloak instance.
The following Keycloak attributes have been added:
- CoMPAS Realm: A separate CoMPAS realm containing all CoMPAS attributes like Groups, Client and Roles.
- OpenSCD client: A client has been made for interacting with OpenSCD.
- SCL Data Service client: A client has been made for interacting with the SCL Data Service.
- CRUD roles for the SCL Data Service: Create, Read, Update and Delete roles have been added to the SCL Data Service client. When interacting with the SCL Data Service, a JWT token needs to have certain roles before interaction is possible. These roles are assigned to certain users (see below).
- A SCL Data Editor: A user with the roles 'Create', 'Read', 'Update' and 'Delete'. This way, it has read and write access to the SCL Data Service.
- Username: scl-data-editor
- Password: editor
- A SCL Data Reader: A user with the role 'Read'. This way, it only has reading access to the SCL Data Service.
- Username: scl-data-reader
- Password: reader
- A SCD Reader: A user with the role 'Read' only on the SCD Type.
- Username: scd-reader
- Password: reader
To improve the quality of the application more beside the testing in the separate repositories we also created some integration tests to test all components together. The integration tests are executed against the Docker Compose version in this project.
We are using the Robot Framework to execute the integration tests. For the Robot Framework we are using the Browser Library to do the Web testing. this Library is based on Playwright. All Integration Tests and data can be found in the directory 'integration-testing'. Output can be found in the directory 'target' is below commands and Github Actions are used.
Some useful links:
- Robot Framework
- Robot Framework User Guid
- Robot Framework BuildIn Keywords
- Browser Library
- Browser Library Keywords
- Playwright
- Playwright Documentation
Some useful commands to execute the Robot Framework locally.
Please follow the instructions of Robot Framework to install the Framework.
And also follow the instruction of Browser Library to install this needed library.
# Prefer to remove the target directory before starting.
rm -r target
# Normal run of all the test suites (with firefox, headless).
robot -d target/firefox integration-testing/
# Run of all the test suites (with firefox in presenter mode to better follow what happens).
robot -d target/firefox -v browser:firefox -v enable_presenter_mode:true -v headless:false integration-testing/
# Run of all the test suites (with chromium, headless), looks like chromium now only works headless. It crashs otherwise.
robot -d target/chromium -v browser:chromium integration-testing/