A cross-platform endpoint agent framework with easy capability adding.
(currently in Alpha/development phase -- see project status at the bottom)
Capabilities can be added in the following forms:
- On-demand job (first to be implemented)
- Scheduled task (future roadmap)
- Service (future roadmap)
The server maintains a library of jobs, tasks, and services that can be assigned to an agent. All capabilities are stored in a zipped archive with an executable file or script, and can include many additional files and directories needed during execution.
By default, agents are programmed to do nothing but check in for new jobs, tasks, and services. This keeps the CPU and memory footprint low. When a job is sent to an agent, the agent will download what it needs, execute it, and delete it afterwards. Scheduled tasks and services will require agents to store files locally, and services will increase base resource utilization.
Groups of agents can be assigned a version number that is changable by an admin. Agent version changes are detected automatically and kick off updates or roll-backs to get the agents on the specified version. Under the hood, an agent version change is just a built-in job.
All communication between the server and the agents is done via HTTPS and WSS, but there is no need to mess with certificates yourself. Server certificate generation and deployment is automatically handled by CAPy, and root CA trust is automatically set up on the agents when they are deployed.
In addition to a server-side certificate for encryption, admins and agents must use a host-based certificate to be able to interact with the server. This process is also completely automated during agent deployment using the CAPy microservice.
Admin actions include creating agent installers, managing the job library, and assigning jobs to agents. Authentication is required for all admin functionality. Admin credentials are hashed with bcrypt and are used to generate temporary session tokens.
Right now I'm working on designing and implementing the last part of the API server -- the agent installer.
🚧API Server: The API server is about 95% implemented and tested. Last bit relies on final Agent implemenation.
🚧Agent: Agent is about 10% implemented (not tested).
🚧Admin: Admin client is about 25% implemented (not tested).
✔️CAPy: The required functionality from CAPy is 100% implemented and tested.
✔️Nginx: Nginx configuration is 100% implemented and tested.
✔️Docker: Docker build and compose files are 100% implemented and tested.
Commander requires the following environment variables to run properly:
Variable Name | Description | Required | Default Value |
ADMIN_HASH | Bcrypt hash of the default admin's password | Yes | |
APP_NAME | Endpoint agent service name | No | Commander |
CA_HOSTNAME | FQDN or IP for CAPy microservice | Yes | |
DB_URI | MongoDB URI (without username and password) | Yes | |
DB_USER | MongoDB username | Yes | |
DB_PASS | MongoDB password | Yes | |
LOG_LEVEL | Log level for API server (1-5; Critical-Debug) | No | 4 |
REDIS_PASS | Redis password | Yes | |
REDIS_URI | Redis URI (without password) | Yes | |
PGID | Container user GID; used for volume file permissions | Yes | |
PUID | Container user UID; used for volume file permissions | Yes | |
SECRET_KEY | Secret key for encryption; make sure this value is complex and protected | Yes | |
WORKERS | Number of worker processes for gunicorn (gevent) | No | 2 |
WORKER_CONNECTIONS | Number of connections per gunicorn worker | No | 1000 |
Commander also requires a volume mounted at the UPLOADS_DIR location to be able to persist job files across runs.
Please use or reference the docker-compose file provided in this repo for deployment.