(C) Copyright 2016 Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc; Common Workflow Language project
Released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version; or, at your option, of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
If used under CC-BY-SA we'll consider http://www.commonwl.org/ or 10.6084/m9.figshare.3115156.v2 as sufficient attribution.
- Modern website or vector editing (e.g. Inkscape or Adobe InDesign)?: The scalable CWL-Logo-nofonts.svg should probably work (you may want to scale it with CSS or
tag)- Prefer letters? Try original export CWL-Logo.svg with the font SourceSansPro-Light
- Adding to Powerpoint? CWL-Logo-VGA.png for slides, or CWL-Logo-4k.png for print
- Need Powerpoint Template? CWL-Slides-Template.pptx can be used for slides
- Making a poster or print material in editor that can't import SVG (really?) CWL-Logo-4k.png
- Old-school lo-res website banner? CWL-Logo-Header.png
- Web/desktop application? CWL-Logo-HD.png
- Small buttons? CWL-Logo-Abbreviated.png (just
) - Are you using Adobe Illustrator? Then CWL-LogoExport.ai is the true original - also add font SourceSansPro-Light
Note that except for CWL-Logo-nofonts.svg
the above files contain suggested whitespace border which you may want to trim.
The official CWL color is #B5314C
The examples below use the SVG version in order to be scalable (e.g. for smart phones and retina displays).

<a href="http://www.commonwl.org/"
<img alt="Common Workflow Language" type="image/svg" width="100"
src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/common-workflow-language/logo/0b98d341/CWL-Logo-nofonts.svg" >
While unoffical these are still very much appreciated!
Icon | Name | Codepoint |
CWL | \29D9 |
(from the file-icons character map)
(Used in https://github.com/file-icons/atom )