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Garnix CI / package ghc928_categorifier-linear-base-integration-test [i686-linux]
Jan 12, 2024 in 10m 6s
Run results
Build succeeded
Last 100 lines of logs:
✓ haskLinearNotEqual0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearOr0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearPureControl0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearPureControl1 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearReturn0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearSequence0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearSequenceA0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearSignum0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearSnd0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearSumList0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearSwap0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearTraverse0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearTraverseList0 passed 100 tests.
✓ haskLinearUncurry0 passed 100 tests.
✓ 50 succeeded.
━━━ -> ━━━
✓ plainArrowLinearAbs0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearAnd0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearAp0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearApOpControl0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearApOpData0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearApOpV0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearAppendList0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearApply0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearBind0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearCoerce0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearCompare0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearCompose0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearConst0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearCurry0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearEither0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearEqual0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearFmapControl0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearFmapOpControl0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearFmapOpData0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearFst0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearGe0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearGt0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearLe0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearLiftA2Control0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearLiftA2Data0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearLt0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearMapList0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearMapV0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearMappend0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearMax0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearMax1 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearMin0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearMin1 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearMinus0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearNegate0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearNot0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearNotEqual0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearOr0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearPureControl0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearPureControl1 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearReturn0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearSequence0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearSequenceA0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearSignum0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearSnd0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearSumList0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearSwap0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearTraverse0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearTraverseList0 passed 100 tests.
✓ plainArrowLinearUncurry0 passed 100 tests.
✓ 50 succeeded.
Test suite linear-base-hierarchy: PASS
Test suite logged to:
2 of 2 test suites (2 of 2 test cases) passed.
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"haddockPhase"}
Preprocessing library for categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1..
Running Haddock on library for categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1..
Warning: The documentation for the following packages are not installed. No
links will be generated to these packages: data-array-byte-
Warning: --source-* options are ignored when --hyperlinked-source is enabled.
0% ( 0 / 2) in 'Categorifier.Test.LinearBase'
Missing documentation for:
Module header
testTerms (Categorifier/Test/LinearBase.hs:48)
Documentation created:
Preprocessing test suite 'linear-base-hierarchy-optimized' for categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1..
Preprocessing test suite 'linear-base-hierarchy' for categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1..
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"installPhase"}
Installing library in /nix/store/wggxwch5r4inbg5r7slq921ng7hw1i8k-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1/lib/ghc-9.2.8/i386-linux-ghc-9.2.8/categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1-2kx9K0NsnOs8WPceGpAgu
@nix {"action":"setPhase","phase":"fixupPhase"}
post-installation fixup
shrinking RPATHs of ELF executables and libraries in /nix/store/wggxwch5r4inbg5r7slq921ng7hw1i8k-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1
shrinking /nix/store/wggxwch5r4inbg5r7slq921ng7hw1i8k-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1/lib/ghc-9.2.8/i386-linux-ghc-9.2.8/
checking for references to /build/ in /nix/store/wggxwch5r4inbg5r7slq921ng7hw1i8k-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1...
patching script interpreter paths in /nix/store/wggxwch5r4inbg5r7slq921ng7hw1i8k-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1
stripping (with command strip and flags -S -p) in /nix/store/wggxwch5r4inbg5r7slq921ng7hw1i8k-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1/lib
shrinking RPATHs of ELF executables and libraries in /nix/store/fvd631rdla3a0g4nxxs2j2zmn7img2dp-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1-doc
checking for references to /build/ in /nix/store/fvd631rdla3a0g4nxxs2j2zmn7img2dp-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1-doc...
patching script interpreter paths in /nix/store/fvd631rdla3a0g4nxxs2j2zmn7img2dp-categorifier-linear-base-integration-test-0.1-doc