InfluxDB Manager
In order to supports different database related queries like:
- create database
- list database
- delete database
- and so on...
We should have to fill the base client InfluxDB\Client
with several methods:
public function createDatabase($name) { /* ... */ }
public function deleteDatabase($name) { /* ... */ }
public function getDatabases() { /* ... */ }
public function createRetentionPolicy($name) { /* ... */ }
// ...
As many as InfluxDB prepared queries. Instead of that we drop the database management query from the InfluxDB\Client
and add a new layer: InfluxDB\Manager
that will support InfluxDB prepared queries.
The manager
$manager = new Manager($client);
The manager accepts any query via callables:
$manager->addQuery("queryName", function($arg1, $arg2) {
return sprintf("THIS IS MY QUERY WITH: {$arg1} and {$arg2}");
// late in your code:
$manager->queryName(1, 2); // THIS IS MY QUERY WITH: 1 and 2
In order to create and share different database management query, objects can used:
class MyCustomQuery
public function __invoke($arg1, $arg2)
return sprintf("THIS IS MY QUERY WITH: {$arg1} and {$arg2}");
public function __toString()
return "myCustomQuery";
// add it
$manager->addQuery(new MyCustomQuery());
// use it
$manager->myCustomQuery(1, 2);