IDOL (Internal DTI Organization Logic) is an internal tools platform for DTI, a project team/web development club at Cornell University. The platform automates all the operations of the organization and has been used extensively by over 100+ members at a time.
IDOL = Internal DTI Organization Logic
This repo contains both the source code that powers both IDOL system and DTI website.
You will need Node.js and Yarn installed on your development machine.
To setup your environment, go into the root folder and run yarn. Then, run
yarn workspace frontend start
to start a development server for frontend. You also need to run the
local backend server by yarn workspace backend dev
to make the local frontend fully functional.
This repository comes with multiple tools to ensure code quality, including a linter and a type checker. Please ensure that they are properly configured with your IDE or text editor. For text editor setup instructions, please visit Cornell DTI's developer website.
To maintain code quality, the master branch is write-protected. To contribute, please work on your changes in a new branch and then create a pull request into master. When opening a pull request, make sure you follow the pull request template. Better changelogs make the review process go quicker and easier for everyone.
All the common types used by the packages are defined here.
- Amelie Rosso - PM
- Chris Chen - TPM
- Clément Rozé - Designer/Developer
- Jason Mun - Developer
- Kevin Ram - Developer
- Juliet Crane - Developer
- Sophie Zhao - Developer
- Adrienne Lee - Developer
- Sam Shridhar - PM
- Amelie Rosso - APM
- Andrew Chen - TPM
- Vannessa Wong - Designer
- Jason Mun - Developer
- Patricia Huang - Developer
- Kevin Ram - Developer
- Chris Chen - Developer
- Juliet Crane - Developer
- Andrew Chen - Developer Advisor
- Jason Mun - PM
- Oscar Wang - TPM
- Hope Zheng - Designer
- Vicky Wang - Designer
- Vannessa Wong - Designer
- Alyssa Zhang - Developer
- Patricia Huang - Developer
- Kevin Ram - Developer
- Chris Chen - Developer
- Jason Mun - PM
- Andrew Chen - TPM
- Hope Zheng - Designer
- Vicky Wang - Designer
- Vannessa Wong - Designer
- Oscar Wang - Developer
- Alyssa Zhang - Developer
- Patricia Huang - Developer
- Kevin Ram - Developer
- Alyssa Zhang - PM
- Jason Mun - APM
- Jackson Staniec - TPM
- Hope Zheng - Designer
- Aira Agrawal - Developer
- Andrew Chen - Developer
- Henry Li - Developer
- Michael Ye - Developer
- Oscar Wang - Developer
- Samuel Yeboah - Developer
- Alyssa Zhang - PM
- Jackson Staniec - TPM
- Tracy Wei - Designer
- Clara Lee - Designer
- Aira Agrawal - Developer
- Andrew Chen - Developer
- Henry Li - Developer
- Henry Li - TPM
- Alyssa Zhang - PM
- Riya Jaggi - Developer
- Jackson Staniec - Developer
- Aira Agrawal - Developer
- Daniel Jin - Developer
- Andrew Chen - Developer
- Tracy Wei - Designer
- Henry Li - TPM
- Morgan Belous - Developer
- Riya Jaggi - Developer
- Sam Zhou - Developer
- Jackson Staniec - Developer
- Aira Agrawal - Developer
- Henry Li - TPM
- Morgan Belous - Developer
- Riya Jaggi - Developer
- Sam Zhou - Developer
- Grace Han - Developer
- Morgan Belous - Developer
- Henry Li - Developer
- Riya Jaggi - Developer
- Jagger Brulato - Developer
We are a team within Cornell Digital Technology & Innovation. For more information, see our website.