This role installs and configures Nexus Repository Manager OSS version 3.x on CentOS/RHEL.
All configuration can be updated by re-running the role, except for the blobstores-related settings, which are immutable in nexus.
- This has only been tested on CentOS 7
- Oracle Java 8 (mandatory)
- Apache HTTPD (optional, used to setup a SSL reverse-proxy)
(see Dependencies section below for matching roles on galaxy)
Ansible variables, along with the default values (see default/main.yml
) :
nexus_version: '3.1.0-04'
nexus_timezone: 'UTC'
nexus_package: "nexus-{{ nexus_version }}-unix.tar.gz"
The nexus version and package to install, see available versions at . nexus_timezone
is a Java Timezone name and can be useful in combination with nexus_scheduled_tasks
cron expressions below.
nexus_download_dir: '/tmp'
Directory on target where the nexus package will be downloaded.
nexus_os_group: 'nexus'
nexus_os_user: 'nexus'
User and group used to own the nexus files and run the service, those will be created by the role if absent.
nexus_installation_dir: '/opt'
nexus_data_dir: '/var/nexus'
nexus_tmp_dir: '/tmp/nexus'
Nexus directories, nexus_installation_dir
contains the installed executable(s), nexus_data_dir
contains all configuration, repositories and uploaded artifacts. Note: custom blobstores paths outside of nexus_data_dir
can be configured, see nexus_blobstores
nexus_admin_password: 'changeme'
The 'admin' account password to setup. Note : admin password change subsequent to first-time provisionning/install is not implemented by this role yet.
nexus_anonymous_access: false
Allow anonymous access to nexus.
public_hostname: 'nexus.vm'
The fully qualified domain name under which the nexus instance will be accessible to its clients.
nexus_branding_header: ""
nexus_branding_footer: "Last provisionned {{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}"
Header and footer branding, those can contain HTML.
If configuring a reverse proxy, bind nexus to localhost only. By default nexus will listen on all interfaces (
ldap_connections: []
LDAP connection(s) setup, each item goes as follow :
- ldap_name: 'My Company LDAP' # used as a key to update the ldap config
ldap_protocol: 'ldaps' # ldap or ldaps
ldap_hostname: ''
ldap_port: 636
ldap_search_base: 'dc=mycompany,dc=net'
ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
ldap_group_object_class: 'posixGroup'
ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_group_member_attribute: 'memberUid'
ldap_group_member_format: '${username}'
- name: all-repos-read # used as key to update a privilege
description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos'
repository: '*'
actions: # can be add, browse, create, delete, edit, read or * (all)
- read
- browse
List of the privileges to setup. Those items are combined with the following default values :
type: repository-view
format: maven2
- read
- id: Developpers # can map to a LDAP group id, also used as a key to update a role
name: developers
description: All developers
- nx-search-read
- all-repos-read
roles: [] # references to other role names
List of the roles to setup.
nexus_local_users: []
Local (non-LDAP) users/accounts to create in nexus, items go as follow :
- username: jenkins # used as key to update
first_name: Jenkins
last_name: CI
email: [email protected]
password: "s3cr3t"
- developers # role ID
nexus_delete_default_repos: false
Delete the repositories from the nexus install initial default configuration. This step is only executed on first-time install (when nexus_data_dir
has been detected empty).
nexus_delete_default_blobstore: false
Delete the default blobstore from the nexus install initial default configuration. This can be done only if nexus_delete_default_repos: true
and all configured repositories (see below) have an explicit blob_store: custom
. This step is only executed on first-time install (when nexus_data_dir
has been detected empty).
nexus_blobstores: []
# example blobstore item :
# - name: separate-storage
# path: /mnt/custom/path
Blobstores to create. A blobstore path and a repository blobstore cannot be updated after initial creation (any update here will be ignored on re-provisionning).
nexus_scheduled_tasks: []
# example task to compact blobstore :
# - name: compact-blobstore
# cron: '0 0 22 * * ?'
# typeId: blobstore.compact
# taskProperties:
# blobstoreName: 'default' # all task attributes are stored as strings by nexus internally
Scheduled tasks to setup. typeId
and task-specific taskProperties
can be guessed either from the java type hierarchy of
or from peeking at the browser AJAX requests while manually configuring a task.
- name: central
remote_url: ''
layout_policy: permissive
- name: jboss
remote_url: ''
# example with a login/password :
# - name: secret-remote-repo
# remote_url: ''
# remote_username: 'username'
# remote_password: 'secret'
Maven proxy repositories configuration.
- name: private-release
version_policy: release
write_policy: allow_once
Maven hosted repositories configuration.
- name: public
- central
- jboss
Maven group repositories configuration.
All three repository types are combined with the following default values :
blob_store: default # Note : cannot be updated once the repo has been created
strict_content_validation: true
version_policy: release # release, snapshot or mixed
layout_policy: strict # strict or permissive
write_policy: allow_once # allow_once or allow
This role requires Ansible 2.1 or higher.
The java and httpd requirements /can/ be fulfilled with the following galaxy roles :
- name: Nexus
hosts: nexus
become: yes
nexus_version: '3.1.0-04'
nexus_timezone: 'Canada/Eastern'
nexus_admin_password: "{{ vault_nexus_admin_password }}"
- ldap_name: 'Company LDAP'
ldap_protocol: 'ldaps'
ldap_hostname: ''
ldap_port: 636
ldap_search_base: 'dc=company,dc=net'
ldap_user_base_dn: 'ou=users'
ldap_user_object_class: 'inetOrgPerson'
ldap_user_id_attribute: 'uid'
ldap_user_real_name_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_user_email_attribute: 'mail'
ldap_group_base_dn: 'ou=groups'
ldap_group_object_class: 'posixGroup'
ldap_group_id_attribute: 'cn'
ldap_group_member_attribute: 'memberUid'
ldap_group_member_format: '${username}'
- name: all-repos-read
description: 'Read & Browse access to all repos'
repository: '*'
- read
- browse
- name: company-project-deploy
description: 'Deployments to company-project'
repository: company-project
- add
- edit
- id: Developpers # maps to the LDAP group
name: developers
description: All developers
- nx-search-read
- all-repos-read
- company-project-deploy
roles: []
- username: jenkins # used as key to update
first_name: Jenkins
last_name: CI
email: [email protected]
password: "s3cr3t"
- Developpers # role ID here
- name: company-artifacts
path: /var/nexus/blobs/company-artifacts
- name: compact-blobstore
cron: '0 0 22 * * ?'
typeId: blobstore.compact
blobstoreName: 'company-artifacts'
- name: central
remote_url: ''
layout_policy: permissive
- name: alfresco
remote_url: ''
remote_username: 'secret-username'
remote_password: "{{ vault_alfresco_private_password }}"
- name: jboss
remote_url: ''
- name: vaadin-addons
remote_url: ''
- name: jaspersoft
remote_url: ''
version_policy: mixed
- name: company-project
version_policy: mixed
write_policy: allow
blob_store: company-artifacts
- name: public
- central
- jboss
- vaadin-addons
- jaspersoft
- role:
oracle_java_set_as_default: yes
- role: geerlingguy.apache
apache_create_vhosts: no
- role: savoirfairelinux.nexus3-oss