A polyhedral dice rolling bot for Telegram. To use this bot in Telegram, click here. This bot was built to enable playing tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs) over Telegram.
- Telepot - See https://github.com/nickoala/telepot for installation instructions.
/roll [equation] [label]
or/r [equation] [label]
- Equation is required, label is optional.
- Roll dice using dice notation as the equation (includes Fate/Fudge Dice with 4dF). Do not include spaces in the equation.
- Example:
/roll 4d8+16-2d4
/rf [modifier] [label]
- The modifier and label are optional, but if both are given the modifier must come first.
- Roll 4 Fate (Fudge) dice.
- Example:
/rf 3 Athletics
- Dice macros
- NPC name generator (maybe?)
- Aspect generator (maybe?)
If you like this bot and want to show your apprectiation support its development, you can send donations here.
If you are receiving an error that says Server response could not be decoded using UTF-8
, make the following changes to the python-telegram-bot requests.py file: Bug Fix Diff