My Experiments with p5js using simplex noise on 3d grids and matrix systems. You can change the render file called in index.js, each variation explores different features in rendering and shader functions. Using dat-gui to control display and render options.
NEW: Flyby Demo - put a nice song on and just watch!
GlyRender - 3D Flyby demo - final render state.
CbeRender - 3D Cub system, improving rendering and optimizations.
ZrtRender - Grid system, block render method and opacity shaders.
AltRender - Grid system, defaults to boxes and offset color shader.
Render - Original Render, initial framework with basic interaction.
- Optimizations on display, and translation in p5js 3d space.
- Mouse Down and Drag - to prevent constant movement.
- AltRender.js - updated render functions.
- Change Object sphere / box
- Better Shader Formulas.
- Mouse rotation and Wheel Zoom.
- Running on p5js - needing to update render.
- Initial Commit - Basic formula added for simplexNoise.
Requires Node v7.0.0 or greater
$ npm install
$ npm run dev & open http://localhost:8080