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Open In CryptPad

"Open in CryptPad" is a Nextcloud application that allows collaborative editing of files. For this it uses a CryptPad instance embedded into the Nextcloud web interface. Currently, only drawio diagrams are supported.

Importing images from Nextcloud into diagrams

With this app, you can import images from Nextcloud into diagrams. A copy of the image will be stored inside the .drawio file.

Rights management

When using this app, the file permissions are completely handled by Nextcloud. The right's management of CryptPad is not used for Nextcloud files edited in CryptPad.


You can install this app in one of the following ways: either from the NextCloud app store, from a binary release, or by cloning this repository. Once installed, you can check CryptPad is configured correctly by checking that the url listed under Administration > CryptPad is the same as the url of your local CryptPad instance.

Prerequisites on the CryptPad side

To embed CryptPad into Nextcloud, the "Enable remote embedding" admin setting needs to be enabled. You can find this setting on the "Administration" web interface in the "Security" tab.

Install from Nextcloud app store

  1. Add drawio mimetype to Nextcloud. "Open in CryptPad" depends on Nextcloud detecting drawio files correctly. For this you have to create the following files: (Note: do this before uploading any drawio files! The mimetype of old files will not be updated by these changes)
    • nextcloud/config/mimetypealiases.json

          "application/x-drawio": "image"
    • nextcloud/config/mimetypemapping.json

          "drawio": ["application/x-drawio"]
  2. Open the "Apps" page in your Nextcloud web interface and install "Open in CryptPad". You can find it in the "Integration" category.
  3. Configure "Open in CryptPad" in the administration settings of Nextcloud.

Install from binary release

  1. Unpack openincryptpad.tar.gz in the nextcloud/apps/ folder. You can download the latest version from the release page.
  2. Enable the "Open in CryptPad" app in the Nextcloud admin page.
  3. Configure "Open in CryptPad" in the administration settings of Nextcloud.
  4. Add drawio mimetype to Nextcloud. "Open in CryptPad" depends on Nextcloud detecting drawio files correctly. For this you have to create the following files: (Note: do this before uploading any drawio files! The mimetype of old files will not be updated by these changes)
    • nextcloud/config/mimetypealiases.json

          "application/x-drawio": "image"
    • nextcloud/config/mimetypemapping.json

          "drawio": ["application/x-drawio"]

Verify binary release

To verify the binary release you run the following command:

openssl dgst -sha512 -verify openincryptpad.pubkey -signature openincryptpad.tar.gz.signature openincryptpad.tar.gz

Clone from repo

Place this app in nextcloud/apps/. Make sure the folder is named openincryptpad. E.g.:

cd nextcloud/apps
git clone openincryptpad

Building the app

Prior to building, install the requisite dependencies by running:

npm ci

The app can then be built using the provided Makefile by running:


This requires the following things to be present:

  • make
  • which
  • tar: for building the archive
  • curl: used if phpunit and composer are not installed to fetch them from the web
  • npm: for building and testing everything JS, only required if a package.json is placed inside the js/ folder

The make command will install or update Composer dependencies if a composer.json is present and also npm run build if a package.json is present in the js/ folder. The npm build script should use local paths for build systems and package managers, so people that simply want to build the app won't need to install npm libraries globally, e.g.:


"scripts": {
    "test": "node node_modules/gulp-cli/bin/gulp.js karma",
    "prebuild": "npm install && node_modules/bower/bin/bower install && node_modules/bower/bin/bower update",
    "build": "node node_modules/gulp-cli/bin/gulp.js"

Running the Nextcloud server

Before running Nextcloud, ensure you have an up-to-date version of PHP installed and run the following commands:

git clone nextcloud
cd nextcloud/
git switch v29.0.7 --detach
git submodule update --init

Then, to run the server:

php -S localhost:8080

Publish to App Store

First get an account for the App Store then run:

make && make appstore

The archive is located in build/artifacts/appstore and can then be uploaded to the App Store.

Running tests

You can use the provided Makefile to run all tests by using:

make test

This will run the PHP unit and integration tests and if a package.json is present in the js/ folder will execute npm run test

Of course you can also install PHPUnit and use the configurations directly:

phpunit -c phpunit.xml


phpunit -c phpunit.integration.xml

for integration tests