后缀为_cell_poi 文件中,存储了poi的相关信息,其中包括poi的id,名字,经纬度,类别id,类别名称以及它所在的网格id。
删去不在网格内poi后,各城市 poi 各大类别数量如下:
1 Residential
2 Mixed Residential & Commercial Buildings
3 Commercial & Office Buildings
4 Transportation & Utility
5 Open Space & Outdoor Recreation
6 Other
1 High Density Urban Fabric
2 ML-Density Urban Fabric
3 Industrial,commercial, public, military and private units
4 Open Space& Recreation
5 Transportation
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1wWqNYOKd4Npzixz27uuh3w 提取码:mfgg
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