hecrasio is a collection of tools to read results from HEC-RAS providing quality assurance and control (QA/QC) of one or more notebooks.
- hecrasio: Codebase with core, qaqc, s3tools, and heatmap modules.
- QAQC-PFRA: Provides QA/QC of an individual model.
- Summary-QAQC: Summarizes the QA/QC report returned by
for one or more notebooks. - Make-Heatmap: Creates heat maps from a weights file and a a set of WSE tifs on s3. Utilizes dask for local parallel processing.
: to be includedPostProcessor
: to be included
: ExecutesPostProcessor
on a range of PFRA results.
To create a virtual environment using Anaconda
1. Clone the respository
2. Copy and execute: conda install --yes --file requirements.txt
3. Copy and execute: while read requirement; do conda install --yes $requirement; done < requirements.txt
4. Note, the above will not install boto3. Do so by copying and executing: conda install -c conda-forge boto3=1.9.129
5. Copy and execute: conda install -c conda-forge awscli
6. Configure aws cli by executing: aws configure
7. Copy and execute: conda install notebook ipykernel
8. Copy and execute: ipython kernelspec install-self
To be added
Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted through the Issues tab. When submitting an issue, please follow the provided template.