This is a simple plugin for Chartist.js that will add some customizable legends on charts.
note:make sure extra space have been allocated by setting "padding" of the chart so that the legend-wrapper can be rendered.
The easiest way to get started, using npm
npm install chartist-plugin-pointlabels --save
var defaultOptions = {
legendClass: 'ct-legend',
position: 'bottom', //position of the legend-wrapper:'bottom' or 'right'
padding: 10, //padding between each legend pair
innerPadding: 2, //padding bettween legend and text
shape: 'circle', //legend shape:'circle' or 'rect' are currently supported
offset: {
x: 10,
y: 40
}, //offset of the legend-wrapper
onClick: Chartist.noop,
onMouseEnter: Chartist.noop,
onMouseLeave: Chartist.noop,
colors: [
], //legend colors
names:[] //legend names array
let chart = new Chartist.Line('.ct-chart', data, {
axisX: {
// position: 'start'
chartPadding: { top: 20, left: 50, right: 80, bottom: 20 },//This is important because extra space need to be allocated for rendering the legend-wrapper
width: 500,
height: 300,
plugins: [
textAnchor: 'middle'
names: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar'],
position: 'right',
padding: 20,
shape: 'rect',
onClick: function(selIdx, chart, evt) {
onMouseEnter(selIdx,evt) {
chart.svg.querySelectorAll('.ct-line').svgElements.forEach(d => {
// console.log(d,d.parent().classes)
let seriesClass = d.parent().classes()[1],
seriesNo = seriesClass[seriesClass.length - 1]
if (seriesNo.charCodeAt() - 97 === selIdx) {
// console.log(,chart)
onMouseLeave() {
chart.svg.querySelectorAll('.ct-line').svgElements.forEach(d => {