Java Bomberman Game built with FXGL
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This game is built base on Bomberman game.
The aim of the game is destroy all the enemies and portals that exist on the map.
- Baromu:
This eneny moves randomly.
- Onil:
This enemy can chase player if they find a path in a radar radius.
- Player:
- Buff/Debuff item:
These items can increase/decrease the power of player ( increase/decrease speed, increase/decrease hp, dmg buff/debuff, ... )
- Bomb:
- Softwall:
This type of wall can block player/enemy but can be demolished by bomb, when destroyed, can randomly drop an item.
- Hardwall:
This type of wall cant be demolished.
- Random Portal:
Spawn an enemy and disappear after that. Can be destroyed by bomb.
- Fixed Portal:
Spawn enemy. Can be destroyed by bomb.