beamer is a module for compiling, making, and loading Erlang modules with a rather different approach.
First step is to set your ~/.erlang file to use beamer for
{ ok, [[Home]]} = init:get_argument(home).
code:add_patha(Home ++ "/.beamer").
This will add the ~/.beamer directory to your module search path and then loads beamer. If you want beamer to load all of your .beam files add the line:
To the end.
By default we expect the structure of the directory to be:
../.git - src/*.erl -
If you want to compile all of the *.erl in your current work project, (where the src directory is) you can use:
If you want to compile another project somewhere else you can say:
Where it is the path to where the project's "src/" directory lives.
You can also compile a specific file using:
And you can then load a specific module using the command:
All of the .beam files that beamer compiles for you will be in your ~/.beamer/ directory and this works fine as long as you don't have multiple modules with the same name.
j There's also a escript and a bat file for compiling things on the command line.
./beamer make
Will run beamer:make() and
./beamer make d:/code/my_project
Will run beamer:make("d:/code/my_project").
You can also compile an individual file using
./beamer compile src/some.erl