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curi_u edited this page Sep 17, 2017 · 2 revisions

What is Filter

You can extract a specific tweet from the home timeline using a filter. Also, you can use the mute filter to erase tweets you do not want to see.

Filter format

All strings are case-sensitive.


The following operators are available:

  • == - Return True if it is the same value
  • != - Return True if it is a different value
  • < - Return True if the left side is less than the right side (Numeric Only)
  • <= - Return True if the left side is less than or equal to the right side (Numeric Only)
  • > - Return True if the left side is greater than the right side (Numeric Only)
  • >= - Return True if the left side is greater than or equal to the right side (Numeric Only)
  • Contains - Return True if the left side contains a string on the right side (String Only)
  • StartsWith - Return True if the left side begins with the string on the right side (String Only)
  • EndsWith - Return True if the left side ends with the string on the right side (String Only)
  • RegexMatch - uses the regular expression on the right side of the string on the left side, and return True if it matches (String Only)
  • !Contains - Return True if the left side does not contain a string on the right side (String Only)
  • !StartsWith - Return True if the left side does not start with the string on the right side (String Only)
  • !EndsWith - Return True if the left side does not end with the right side string (String Only)
  • !RegexMatch - uses the regular expression on the right side for the string on the left side, and return True if it does not match (String Only)
  • In - Return True if the string on the left side is included in the array on the right side (Array Only)
  • !In - Return True if the string on the left side is not included in the array on the right side (Array Only)
  • || - OR
  • && - AND
  • ! - NOT
  • + - plus (addition) (Numeric Only)
  • - - minus (subtract) (Numeric Only)
  • * - multiplication (Numeric Only)
  • / - divide (Numeric Only)
  • % - modulo (Numeric Only)

Reserved word etc.

The following reserved words etc. exist

  • True - Recognized as a Boolean of True (Boolean)
  • False - Recognized as a Boolean of False (Boolean)
  • "Characters" - Characters enclosed in " are recognized as strings (String)
  • 1234567890 - Numbers are recognized as integer types (floating numbers are not supported) (Numeric)
  • Null - Recognized as null (valid for String)
  • ["test","test2"] - Recognized as array (both Numeric and String supported, can not mix)


The following literals are available

  • CreatedAt - DateTime indicating the time and date tweeted (DateTime)
  • RetweetCount - Retweeted number of tweets (Numeric)
  • FavoriteCount- Numbers registered for tweet favorites (like) (Numeric)
  • InReplyToScreenName - ScreenName of the reply destination (String)
  • InReplyToUserId - UserID of the reply destination (Numeric)
  • InReplyToStatusId - ID of the tweet of the reply destination (Numeric)
  • Source - Mutual origin (String)
  • Text - Tweet body (String)
  • IsFavorited - Whether you registered a tweet as a favorite (String)
  • IsRetweeted - Whether you have retweeted tweets (String)
  • HasRetweetInformation - Whether tweets are retweeted (Boolean)
  • QuotedStatusId - ID of cited tweet (Numeric)
  • QuotedStatus - Quoted tweet information (Status)
  • RetweetInformation - Retweet information (RetweetInformation)
  • Entities - Tweet entities (Entities)
  • User - User information (User)
  • RetweetInformation.User - User information (User)
  • RetweetInformation.CreateAd - Date and time retweeted (DateTime)
  • RetweetInformation.Id - Retweet ID (Numeric)
  • Entities.Urls.Count - Number of URLs in Tweets (Numeric)
  • Entities.HashTags.Count - Number of hashtags in tweets (Numeric)
  • Entities.Medias.Count - Number of media in Tweet (Numeric)
  • Entities.UserMentions.Count - Number of users in tweets (Numeric)
  • User.CreateAt - Date and time the user created the account (DateTime)
  • User.Description - User's Bio (String)
  • User.FavouritesCount - Number registered in user's favorites (Numeric)
  • User.FollowersCount - Number of followers for users (Numeric)
  • User.FriendsCount - Number of followers by user (Numeric)
  • User.Id - User ID (Numeric)
  • User.IsFollowRequestSent - Did you send a follow request to that user (Bool)
  • User.IsMuting - Whether the user is muted (Boolean)
  • User.IsProtected - Whether the user is a keyboard (Boolean)
  • User.IsVerified - Whether the user is authenticated (Boolean)
  • User.Language - User's preferred language, eg ja (String)
  • User.ListedCount - Number of users added to the list (Numeric)
  • User.Location - User's location (String)
  • User.Name - Name of the user (String)
  • User.ProfileBackgroundColor - User profile background color (String)
  • User.ProfileBackgroundImageUrl - Background image of user's profile (String)
  • User.ProfileBannerUrl - User's banner image (String)
  • User.ProfileImageUrl - User's profile image (String)
  • User.ScreenName - User's screen name (String)
  • User.StatusesCount - Number of user's tweets (Numeric)
  • User.TimeZone - User's time zone (String)
  • User.Url - User's configured URL (String)

There are also literals etc. not on the document.

Example filter

  • I want to extract tweets that contain 'Flandre' in the text.

(Text Contains "Flandre")

  • I want to extract tweets that the person who following 500 or fewer people and having over 5000 followers.

(User.FollowersCount >= 5000 && User.FriendsCount <= 500)

  • I want to extract Tweets with more than 100 numbers that were retweeted and favorited.

(HasRetweetInformation && RetweetCount> = 100 && FavoriteCount >= 100)

  • I want to extract images and videos.

(Entities.Medias.Count> 0)

  • I want to extract tweets containing Pixiv's images with more than 250 numbers that were favorited.

(Entities.Medias.Count > 0 && Text Contains "pixiv" && FavoriteCount >= 250)

  • I want to extract tweets of specific users

(User.ScreenName In ["cucmberium","Flantter"]))

Example of mute filter

  • I want to extract tweets whose text does not include RT

(Text Contains 'RT')

  • In case of hashtag only

(Text RegexMatch "#.*RT")

About the behavior of Filter

Please evaluate the filter that seems to behave slowly as much as possible later. By doing so, there is a possibility that filter operation can be somewhat reduced in weight.


× - (Text RegexMatch "#.*RT" && RetweetCount > 100)

- (RetweetCount > 100 && Text RegexMatch "#.*RT")

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