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Astro Theme Pure

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A simple, fast and powerful blog theme built by Astro.

GitHub deployments NPM Version GitHub Release GitHub License

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Theme template v4.0.2^ is changing CSS engine to UnoCSS. Stabler experience is currently on v4.0.1-beta. Known issues:

  1. UnoCSS adaption (serious)
  2. Cannot pack sitemap and pagefind resources on Vercel (need upstream fix & temp fixed)
  3. Header & customize options is still under development (template exposed still)


Checkout Demo Site →

🔥 Features

  • 🚀 Fast & high performance
  • ⭐ Simple & clean design
  • 📱 Responsive design
  • 🔍 Full-site search built with pagefind
  • 🗺️ Sitemap & RSS feed
  • 🕸️ SEO-friendly
  • 📖 TOC (table of contents)
  • 🖼️ Dynamic open graph generation for posts
  • 🖼️ Mediumzoom lightbox for images

📦 Components

Theme includes a lot of components, which can not only be used in the theme, but also in other astro projects.

For other astro projects, Tailwind CSS is required.

  • Basic components: Aside, Tabs, Timeline, Steps, Spoiler...
  • Advanced components: GithubCard, LinkPreview, Quote, QRCode...

✅ Lighthouse score



Docs | Showcase


See astro-theme-pure on npm.

Local development

Environment requirements:

Clone the repository:

git clone
cd astro-theme-pure

Useful commands:

# install dependencies
bun install

# start the dev server
bun dev

# build the project
bun run build

# preview (after the build)
bun preview

# create a new post
bun new-post


To spend more time coding and less time fiddling with whitespace, this project uses code conventions and styles to encourage consistency. Code with a consistent style is easier (and less error-prone!) to review, maintain, and understand.



This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

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