Live streaming framework based on RTMP over MPQUIC
- Pusher: main.go
- Server: server/
- Puller: ffplay
First run the server, then the puller, at last the pusher.
- Download go v1.17
- Download this project
- Copy the quic-go44DMAP to go/src/, Copy the lal-44DMAP to go/src/
As a server
cd 4D-MAP/server
go run server.go -protocol=[quic/tcp] -au=[true/false]
As a puller:
ffplay rtmp://x.x.x.x
As a pusher:
cd 4D-MAP/
go build
./4D-MAP -type=false -file=video_dir -protocol=[quic/tcp] =multi=true -sch=[rtt/stms/dispatch/RDDT/duplicate] -network=[udp4/tcp] -red=false -iprio=[true/false] rtmp://x.x.x.x