An MPTCP scheduler used RL
the core file is "mptcp_random.c" tcp.c : modified for tcp_sockopt other header files are modified
A gym enviroment for mptcp is in folder /classic_control. To use C code in python, you should follow these operations. c functions used in python files are written in "sr.h", and "cdef.pyx" include "sr.h" should be built as follows. '' python install'' ''cython -a cdef.pyx'' ''cp build/lib.linux-x86_64-3.7/gym/envs/classic_control/''
RL training framework is in NAF-tensorflow/
2+. RL training framework is in elegantRL/ ''python install'' ''python''
iperf_tcp.c is used for normal communication. and we get the sock_fd of connections to set/getsockopt