Alternative implementation of a TiX clock using NeoPixels on an Arduino, with advanced options in a Python interface when connected over USB.
- NeoPixels. The code is configured to use the NeoPixel Shield, but with some effort it can be configured for any pixel layout.
- Power supply. I run my NeoBlock on low brightness settings using the Arduino power supply, but I do not recommend this. USB power is out of the question, it introduces strange artifacts in the LEDs.
- CmdMessenger, for talking to the client.
- FastLED, for pretty effects and better performance than the Adafruit NeoPixel library.
- Time, for keeping track of time. This library also supports syncing to an external RTC, which would eliminate the need for a PC sync.
- Python 3.x
- PyCmdMessenger, for talking to the Arduino.
- Tkinter, for the client visuals.
- time, for time syncing.
- sched (optional), for a Tkinter-less sync option