released this
08 May 14:01
Breaking changes:
Minimum system requirements:
Removed Plugin support.
Removed Share to Facebook feature due to privacy security concern.
Welcome new collaborator to ImageGlass team: @fire-eggs !
Added First-launch configurations screen which allows user to quickly set up on the first launch:
Layout mode
Set as default photo viewer
Configurable Mouse wheel settings (#110 , #95 ):
Combine with Ctrl , Shift or Alt key to:
Zoom in / out image.
Scroll vertically.
Scroll horizontally.
Navigate to previous / next images.
Color Picker tool ( ):
Pick a color and covert to 4 formats: RGB, HEX - CMYK - HSL with Alpha channel.
Customizable toolbar buttons (#4 , #146 , #200 ):
Added ability to customize toolbar buttons (show / hide buttons).
Added Delete button to toolbar (#208 ).
Added ability to save / modify (rotate) the viewing image with lossless quality (JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP) (#263 , #267 , #300 , #219 , #239 ).
Added Theme tab in Settings dialog to manage ImageGlass theme.
Added ability to instantly apply theme without restarting app.
Added option to show only file base name of the viewing image (#290 ).
Added ability to copy the viewing image data Ctrl + Shift + C (#253 ).
Added ability to real-time update thumbnails if the the thumbnails are changed (da70033 ).
Decreased startup delay by using lazy initialization (ce8effe ).
Added ability to instantly update if user change the option Find images in child folders (65402af ).
If user drags and drops a same file to the viewer, do nothing (da70033 ).
Display image info for both viewing image file, image data and error image (fc926a3 ).
Copy / Cut functions enhancement (d20426f ):
Removed Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+X for copying / cutting multiple files due to bad user experience.
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X will do copying / cutting multiple files.
Ctrl+Shift+C will copy image data instead (#253 ).
ImageGlass theme config file supports HEX color code (6dde9c0 ).
Viewing images can expand to the full screen dimensions without leaving any background 'border' around them (3e13be9 ).
Set as desktop background is not working (#287 ).
Win+Arrow key conflicts (#206 ).
Adjust Window to actual image dimensions not respecting multiple monitors (#314 ).
Menu and sub menus are opened on secondary monitor (#204 ).
Image is not updated real-time if the extension is not lower case (#309 #296 #288 #270 #316 #193 ).
Error when closing all ImageGlass windows due to temporary file not found (#323 ).
Cursor is changed to drag mode when pressing hotkey (493f280 ).
Copy / Cut multiple files function doesn't work if user pastes the files and go back the app to copy / cut again (#334 ).
Real-time update when file being renamed is not triggered if user just change file extension.
Fix the order of command line arguments preventing other apps from working as editor (6d823b2 ).
Image sorting by name is not correct if user enable Find images in child folders (2261ac0 ).
You can’t perform that action at this time.