Releases: d2phap/ImageGlass
Releases Β· d2phap/ImageGlass
Breaking changes:
- Minimum system requirements:
- .NET Framework 4.7.1 (Download here)
- Windows 7 SP1
- Removed Plugin support.
- Removed Share to Facebook feature due to privacy security concern.
- Welcome new collaborator to ImageGlass team: @fire-eggs !
- Added First-launch configurations screen which allows user to quickly set up on the first launch:
- Language
- Layout mode
- Theme
- Set as default photo viewer
- Configurable Mouse wheel settings (#110, #95):
Combine with Ctrl, Shift or Alt key to:- Zoom in / out image.
- Scroll vertically.
- Scroll horizontally.
- Navigate to previous / next images.
- Color Picker tool (
Pick a color and covert to 4 formats: RGB, HEX - CMYK - HSL with Alpha channel. - Customizable toolbar buttons (#4, #146, #200):
Added ability to customize toolbar buttons (show / hide buttons). - Added Delete button to toolbar (#208).
- Added ability to save / modify (rotate) the viewing image with lossless quality (JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP) (#263, #267, #300, #219, #239).
- Added Theme tab in Settings dialog to manage ImageGlass theme.
- Added ability to instantly apply theme without restarting app.
- Added option to show only file base name of the viewing image (#290).
- Added ability to copy the viewing image data Ctrl + Shift + C (#253).
- Added ability to real-time update thumbnails if the the thumbnails are changed (da70033).
- Decreased startup delay by using lazy initialization (ce8effe).
- Added ability to instantly update if user change the option Find images in child folders (65402af).
- If user drags and drops a same file to the viewer, do nothing (da70033).
- Display image info for both viewing image file, image data and error image (fc926a3).
- Copy / Cut functions enhancement (d20426f):
- Removed Ctrl+Shift+C and Ctrl+Shift+X for copying / cutting multiple files due to bad user experience.
- Ctrl+C and Ctrl+X will do copying / cutting multiple files.
- Ctrl+Shift+C will copy image data instead (#253).
- ImageGlass theme config file supports HEX color code (6dde9c0).
- Viewing images can expand to the full screen dimensions without leaving any background 'border' around them (3e13be9).
- Set as desktop background is not working (#287).
- Win+Arrow key conflicts (#206).
- Adjust Window to actual image dimensions not respecting multiple monitors (#314).
- Menu and sub menus are opened on secondary monitor (#204).
- Image is not updated real-time if the extension is not lower case (#309 #296 #288 #270 #316 #193).
- Error when closing all ImageGlass windows due to temporary file not found (#323).
- Cursor is changed to drag mode when pressing hotkey (493f280).
- Copy / Cut multiple files function doesn't work if user pastes the files and go back the app to copy / cut again (#334).
- Real-time update when file being renamed is not triggered if user just change file extension.
- Fix the order of command line arguments preventing other apps from working as editor (6d823b2).
- Image sorting by name is not correct if user enable Find images in child folders (2261ac0).
- Support viewing
formats by taking advantage of Windows Imaging Component (WIC) - Windows 7+ 8b3a08c - New file type icons for associated extensions #217
- Display "A new version is available" in menu 74885c8
- Full support for Portable mode #82
- Double click to view actual image size #86
- Ability to display / hide hidden image files #187
- Add "Zoom to fit" button to toolbar #212
- Add support for real time resizing #257
- Removed Share to Facebook, Extension Manager, Settings, About buttons on toolbar. 965ac50
- Add "Autosave after rotating" option #239
- Improve full screen mode: #261
- Image's height fits the window automatically
- Hides the thumbnail bar automatically (same as the toolbar)
- Check for update every 3 days instead of 7 days 965ac50
- Unhandled exception when 3 or more new images are moved/copied into the folder in which the current image is being viewed #193
- Windows number format minus sign causes error on startup #201
- Keep maximized window after exiting full screen #226
- GIF image file locked after viewing #227
- Thumbnail line width resets after closing window #232
- Unhandled exception when canceling UAC prompt for "Create new language pack" #236
- Set as Desktop Background changed current the Fit Option in Windows 10 #247
- Unhandled exception when closing two windows #262
- Image does not scale to fit when using title bar maxim-ze/-estore buttons #265
- Drag and drop image from same folder doesn't open the image #271
- Fix hamburger menu disappearing 6867a4a
- Unhandled error when cancel the Register Extensions operation 288a19d
Happy birthday to @d2phap ! π
- Added option to show / hide scrollbars of viewer #191
- Improved thumbnail size in high-DPI screen. More thumbnail dimension options added. #211
- Improved Settings dialog: #213
- Added Save, Cancel and Apply buttons. ImageGlass no longer auto-save the configs.
- ImageGlass can remember the last view in Settings dialog and restore it when you open back.
- Disabled auto-save image file when rotated due to reducing image quality #219
- 10 new file formats supported:
. - User now can drag & drop of the viewing image from ImageGlass window to another application (hold
key). #152 - Add support for "Default Programs" panel in Windows 10. #129
- Allow user to change the program opens when edit image is selected. #123
- Allow user to stop looping back viewer to the first image when reaching the end of the list. #109
- Add new shortcuts for zooming. #107 (Wiki:
- Portable mode support. #82
- Fully support for HiDPI scaling. #32
- Support scalable theme icons (SVG format).
- ImageGlass' logo is re-designed.
- Switch to use ImageMagick library for lots of file formats support.
- Remove file name of thumbnail.
- New arrangement of Settings dialog.
- Invert mouse wheel option: #151
- Spin down to view next image.
- Spin up to view previous image.
- Add option to turn on/off Delete confirmation dialog before deleting viewing image. #149
- Remove the "Loading..." message and reduce the duration of the message from 5 seconds to 2 seconds. #105
- lmageGlass throws error when moving the viewing image files to another folder. #182
- Zoomed images getting reset to actual size while saving files to the same location as the image being loaded. #168
- Wrong Filename Requested Against Case-Sensitive UNC/Mapped Network Share. #165
- ImageGlass moves to next image when using the snap feature of
keys. #148 - Modal dialog is displaying not on top during "Keep window always on top". #135
event subscribing leakage. #132- User cannot find ImageGlass window after closing ImageGlass and disconnecting the second monitor. #117
- Some GIF files are playing slowly (thanks to @Meowski). #114
- When using Scaling Width/Height on a zoomed image, the size of image is not changed. #112
- Installation doesn't ask for admin password, error message. #101
- Some SVG files crashing when opening. #91
- Failed to associate with certain file types (e.g., .png) as default application. #16
- Ability to display thumbnails at right or left instead of bottom #77
- "Zoom to fit" feature #80
- Able to save and load Zoom Lock value 7da1595
- Use the mouse wheel to browse images, hold CTRL for zooming #72
- Auto-update photos in folder #126
- Re-enable zoom enhancement optimization #71
- Image loading order by Name will follow Windows sorting settings #13
- Add + and - numpad shortcuts for zooming e4a4e66
- lmageGlass looses its zoom and navigation placement that it was in before the save #59
- Deleting text in dialog deletes images #69
- Renaming file does not rename if case is different #73
- Convert image function causes an unhandled exception #74
- Cannot create a new themes #124
- Lag when long press button left/right #125
- New file format supported: *.WEBP (non-animated) #57
- Keep window always on top: #64
- Globalization direction support (right-to-left layout): #58
- Horizontally scrolling thumbnail bar: #40
- Viewing actual size function will be center to image: 6a16ea3
- Add Ctrl+Num0 hotkey for "Actual size": #65
- Clarify extra supported extensions: fc72058
- Check compatibility of language pack: 72d87de
- 32-bit and 64-bit installer
- All features can be found in main menu (shortcut: `)
- Allow to adjust thumbnail dimension 5e7f9a4
- Support Embeded Color Management Profile #17
- Instance management option #19
- Support opening image from base64string data 8d6c53a
- Work more with memory image: printing eb528d9, sharing to Facebook, refreshing 3aa9679, ...
- Allow to start / stop animating image #27
- New file format supported: *.TGA #25 , *.PSD #12
- Mouse buttons 4 and 5 are now supported for navigating back and next. Middle mouse button is used for refreshing image #18
- Support HiDPI scaling under Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 #32
- Upgrade viewer control, remove scrollbar eb528d9
- Remove a gap below toolbar d87bb98
- Upgrade new faster thumbnail bar fa00c04
- Determine if an image is multi-frame correctly 845743d
- Increase zoom level from 1600% up to 3500% c6c9988
- Remove zoom optimization option 5e7f9a4
- Support orientation exif tag #21
- Small changes in layout: widden toolbar button, move image info to title bar 88fc7f7
- Remove delete file confirmation #33
- Windows 10 appearance for menu 857bdf0
- Open associated app to edit viewing image, not MS Paint as default 9df1187
- Remove all of file association features 9df1187
- Issue tracker link of report menu was officially move from Google Code to Github #28
- GIF file caused crashing because of being different from file format and actual file type #41 #24
- Cannot share image to Facebook because the new Facebook API was updated eb528d9
- Crash occurs if user cancels spawn of igtasks for wallpaper 845743d
- Disable duplicated shortcuts in the ImageBox control (pageup,
pagedown) 845743d - Crash for non-existant registry keys 845743d
- Disable duplicated shortcuts in the viewer control 845743d
- Exception when rotating GIF file 4437ead
- Adapting window to image (Ctrl+M) makes the window go off screen #37
- Prevent too many tasks for refreshing functionality 3aa9679
- Welcome image flickers into actual image displayed if welcome image is enabled #30 #38
- Prevent resizing zoomed image on window resizing / locked ratio f57c77c
- Conflicts of toolbar visibility and slideshow background color 1ffd5f3
- Add / Edit language pack #15
- Crashed when rotating read-only image file 9440ad6
Pre-Release ImageGlass 3
This is pre-release build for contributors only.
- Extract zip file and then launch ImageGlass.exe
- Go to Settings (Ctrl+Shift+P) > Language tab. Click > Create new language pack link.
- An auto-generated file will be asked for saving.
- Change file info:
- langCode= - language code (,
- langName= - language name in your mother language,
- author= - your name,
- description= - language name in English
- Replace English string in each value= fields of Item elements. DO NOT modify key= fields.
- Save, and try installing this file to check (Go to Settings (Ctrl+Shift+P) > Language tab. Click > Install new language pack link).
- Send your file (*.iglang) to [email protected]. Thank you!