Enter the following with the filename of the SRTM file you want to use.
SRTM data source https://dwtkns.com/srtm30m/
Note: The file name bust be in this format AnnBnnn.hgt A = N or S North or South nn = 2 digit Lattitude B = E or W East or West nnn = 3 digit Longitude
N55E013.hgt = North 55deg East 13deg
python3 high_places.py N55E013.hgt
Python3 + numpy, scipy, matplotlib, simplekml
Background info.
The SRTM Shuttle Radar Topography Mission was flown on Space Shuttle Endeavour between Feb 11-22, 2000 The top song in the US was "What a Girl Wants" Christina Aguilera
Have fun!