This repo contains the configuration to setup my machines.
This is using Chezmoi, the dotfile manager to setup the install.
This automated setup is for Arch-based systems.
Simply run the following command:
- When prompted
BECOME password:
enter your "sudo" password.
sh -c "$(curl -fsLS" -- init --apply d7omdev
AUR Packages Installed
- pika-backup
- mission-center
- timeshift
- grub-btrfs
- timeshift-autosnap
- sesh-bin
- github-cli
- ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd
- scrcpy
- android-tools
- appimagelauncher
- ttf-amiri
- hyprshot-git
- keyd
- clipse
- base-devel
- kitty-git
Pacman Packages Installed
- git
- btop
- neovim
- firefox
- gnome-tweaks
- ripgrep
- zsh
- fzf
- tmux
- openssl
- gdbm
- libnsl
- luarocks
- wl-clipboard
- fd
- base-devel
- autoconf
- docker
- docker-compose
Modifications Made
- Ensures Homebrew is installed
- Updates Homebrew
- Installs Homebrew packages
- Upgrades Homebrew packages
- Changes shell to zsh
- Installs Docker
- Adds Docker group
- Adds user to docker group
- Ensures fonts directory
- Checks if Jetbrains Mono exists
- Downloads Jetbrains mono
- Optional installation of end-4's Hyprland rice
- Optional installation of D7OM's Hyprland and AGS configurations
- Optional installation of D7OM's Neovim configuration
- zsh Configuration
- tmux Configuration
- neovim Configuration (optional)
- Hyprland Configuration (optional)
- AGS Configuration (optional)
- rofi Configuration
- Refer to adi1090x/rofi for more information
- kitty terminal Configuration
- Refer to kitty README for more information
- fastfetch Configuration
- Bat configuration
Note: run cat ~/.aliasesrc
to see the aliases that are configured
This script uses Ansible, a configuration management tool.
Ansible is used to automate the process of setting up a machine with the specified applications, packages, and configurations.